soul-lang / SOUL

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can getParameterProperties be static? #35

Closed wtholliday closed 3 years ago

wtholliday commented 3 years ago

I'm doing some initial integration of SOUL into AudioKit via soul generate --cpp

PR here if curious:

It would be helpful to be able to query as much information as possible without having to instantiate the DSP object. This would assist us in populating things on the Swift side.

To be specific, it seems getParameterProperties could be declared static except for applyValue. Suggest that applyValue be moved to a separate array (perhaps returned by getApplyValueFunctions).

I can't seem to find the code that generates getParameterProperties in this repo. Perhaps it's in the closed-source backend.

Let me know if/how I can help 😀

wtholliday commented 3 years ago

Actually, never mind... It's easy enough to just instantiate a throw-away DSP object.

julianstorer commented 3 years ago

Yeah, the code that generates c++ is in our internal codebase. But actually, not a bad idea for us to mark it static, and even constexpr probably, as I think it's all just compile-time constants in there. I'll take a look when I get a second!

julianstorer commented 3 years ago

ah no - just had a look and noticed that actually it does some lambda capture in there, so can't be static, I'm afraid..

wtholliday commented 3 years ago

@julianstorer Yeah, I was suggesting moving the lambda capture to a separate struct. So you'd have something like:

struct ParameterProperties
        const char* UID;
        const char* name;
        const char* unit;
        float minValue, maxValue, step, initialValue;
        bool isAutomatable, isBoolean, isHidden;
        const char* group;
        const char* textValues;

static std::vector<ParameterProperties> getParameterProperties() { ... }

struct Parameter
        float minValue, maxValue;
        float currentValue;
        std::function<void(float)> applyValue;

        void setValue (float f)
            currentValue = snapToLegalValue (f);
            applyValue (f);

        float getValue() const
            return currentValue;

        float snapToLegalValue (float v) const
            if (step > 0)
                v = minValue + step * std::floor ((v - minValue) / step + 0.5f);

            return v < minValue ? minValue : (v > maxValue ? maxValue : v);

std::vector<Parameter> getParameters() { ... }

Could also put a ParameterProperties in Parameter if you want.

julianstorer commented 3 years ago

Yep, sensible request, I'll have a look when I get a moment!