soul-lang / SOUL

The SOUL programming language and API
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What is the future of SOUL? #75

Open kyr0 opened 2 years ago

kyr0 commented 2 years ago

Hi :)

just asking as the last release was about Feb and last commit in April?

Best, Aron

ZonderP commented 2 years ago

Yeah, alarmingly silent here... No comments from the Devs on issues posted since July and also otherwise no signs of activity since quite a long time. I'm wondering too about what's happening to this promising project.

kunitoki commented 2 years ago

It's dead. ROLI bankrupt, JUCE sold to PACE and Jules back at Tracktion. I don't see anything bright for the future of SOUL

synxroform commented 2 years ago

I hope it will become community-driven project. Of course it's possible to go back to C, but you will lose JIT.

kunitoki commented 2 years ago

Unluckily it's closed source without any plan in making it open, besides the language specifications

ceelian commented 2 years ago

That's a pity not only for the founders but also for the devs that used SOUL.

Some devs were aware of this risk back then see HN post but afaik they didn't open source and relicense it.


kunitoki commented 2 years ago


0xchase commented 2 years ago

Yeah an update from the devs would be nice. I was originally thinking of using SOUL in a commercial product but have since switched to Rust due to the silence here.

dathinaios commented 2 years ago

@0xchase I agree, even if it just a reassurance without details. They had indicated that there was going to be an announcement in March and some reason that they can no talk about it so I am hopeful. Still frustrating though...

thezhe commented 2 years ago

Call me crazy, but I use SOUL in production and it works great. There's definitely issues with JIT and the lack of updates, but the language itself is great for DSP.

nicolasdanet commented 2 years ago


0xchase commented 2 years ago

More FYI:

nicolasdanet commented 2 years ago


SOUL is dead, isn't it?

shayneoneill commented 1 year ago

Yup. Shame. The concept of "shaders for audio" ought be industry shaking, but alas, here we are.

The ROLI we once knew is dead. The market aint got no soul. If you'll excuse the pun.