soulhotel / FF-ULTIMA

The Firefox theme with too many options.. FF Ultima.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Many tabs overlapping with bottom buttons #22

Closed Kaedriz closed 4 months ago

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

As stated above, documented below. Although simple fix to max height seem to work, but needs to be done dynamically using variables and probably vh.


Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

But this one will be tricky, as buttons on bottom are user configurable, and dunno if we have a way to get that height to CSS.

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

@soulhotel, can you see for yourself this branch? Code was reformatted, because bc I just can't write code that is not indented. Overall bottom buttons were changed to be flex elements, no longer position: absolute, it is advanteus in a way that we can write tab bar height dynamically. Ordering was reversed to sync what's displayed on customize page, but can be changed to not avoid existing users. And best of all, a tab bar that is somewhat usable with a multitude of tabs open. Only remaining problem would be full screen support I suppose, if even doable in the current form.

It's only prototype for now, to test things, if this does break something, but for now appears to be fine, only spacing is butchered, but didn't want to waste time with elements that are cosmetic only for prototype.

And on this topic, some changes are required to tab bar overall, like bottom buttons not expanding tab bar.

For now, I'm satisfied by this test, didn't think it would go this smooth.

My next idea with this would be pinned tabs, that are static on top of the bar, but still take space and scroll. Static part already work but scrolling, we will see. Oh and pinned indicator will need to be reworked I think(?). In my view, it is indistinguishable from current tab, dunno if this is a personal problem.

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

Oh, when I went back to main didn't know customization panel was horizontal, will need to repair that too, as it in prototype seemed to change changed to vertical and bugs out.

soulhotel commented 5 months ago

I understand the indentation part, to be honest I thought what I was doing was organized, since before I started making themes, I wasn't looking too much at other peoples code. Its going to be a lot of work to reorganize the whole project though, but ill try to indent from now on as well.

In terms of changing the buttons to flex, this will not work. The buttons are toolbar buttons that are SIBLINGS to the tabbrowser-tabs. And hovering over the buttons are independent to hovering the tabbrowser-tabs. So to get them to act accordingly:

:root:not([customizing]) tabbrowser-tabs + toolbarbutton { } + for targetting siblings after the element :root:not([customizing]) tabbrowser-tabs ~ toolbarbutton { } ~ for siblings preceding the element

I'll test it out and see if this works well

But as you can see, with flexed buttons they dont display, and the titlebar spacing is effected as well:


Lastly, the minibuttonbar, its very limited by just css, if you were to adjust the tabs height according to the number of buttons effected then the tabs would be like 60% of the view height of the browser and it would look weird which sucks. So my solution was to just make it optional, where you can just drag the buttons out

soulhotel commented 5 months ago

Alright so for the hovering over buttons this works, going to add this to function-tabs-autohide files:

:root:not([customizing]) toolbarbutton:hover + #tabbrowser-tabs {
    width: var(--uc-vertical-tabs-width-revert);
:root:not([customizing]) toolbarbutton:hover ~ #tabbrowser-tabs {
    width: var(--uc-vertical-tabs-width-revert);


Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

What do you mean they don't display? overflow_test overflow_test_hover

Even customizing them works, but axis got changed as a side effect, probably could be fixed with precised selectors.

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

And this thick border, I said that this is only prototype to test things, cosmetic changes like these (padding, margin etc) would come later if this could be pulled off, actually. Will polish things tomorrow to reach somewhat cosmetic state of main branch.

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

And about hover, can't you take hover action from #TabsToolbar-customization-target, and then propagate it to child selectors? It would eliminate this issue, along with other causing tab bar to not expand when cursor is on left screen border. Maybe there are some implications that this can't be used? As far as I can see, this ID only targets left tab bar.

#TabsToolbar-customization-target:hover #tabbrowser-tabs {
    width: ...
soulhotel commented 5 months ago

And about hover, can't you take hover action from #TabsToolbar-customization-target, and then propagate it to child selectors? It would eliminate this issue, along with other causing tab bar to not expand when cursor is on left screen border. Maybe there are some implications that this can't be used? As far as I can see, this ID only targets left tab bar.

#TabsToolbar-customization-target:hover #tabbrowser-tabs {
    width: ...

Right, you can do that as well!

But for the toolbar buttons, I put your branch on a new install and that was my result? this one right:

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

Yes, that one. I'm using it myself, with only change to enable second autohide element, didn't know why i didn't uncomment another one.

Are you having anything in that bar though? Maybe this is profile related, as position saved in profile data.


soulhotel commented 5 months ago

Yeah i dont know why it was showing up like.... Nevermind!

But so far this looks really good! Once im free I can power through these changes and get the next release up.


soulhotel commented 5 months ago

Also I put everything in the related files for the 1.6.8 branch function-mini-button-bar.css position-verttab.css

Edit: the 1.6.8 branch already has the updates we've discussed earlier as well, such as the navigation bar centering.

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

Oh, I was about to say, that you could just fork this branch and work on this on a separate branch, as 1.6.8 seemed almost ready for release, but nothing could go wrong with waiting a bit more days with this for full 1.7 maybe, as changes here are somewhat huge, at least in backend.

And about using absolutes, I would only use them as last resort, they tend to break very easily, or are hard to maintain with new features. This one seemed like a good use of flexbox as they were besides each other.

And about customizing these toolbars buttons, are you experiencing similar issue dragging as tabs? As that is my experience, icon slides to side when hovered. That's why I wanted that customization bar back horizontally. But this bar honestly this feels good to drag, unlike tabs, so I'm wondering what we can learn from it, to incorporate in normal tab dragging.

soulhotel commented 5 months ago

I noticed the dragging, its probably trying to use its default behavior, but its never going to be as bad as the tabs.

Im pretty sure the tabs width have inline script attached to it, I had to override them when i was first making the tabs functional. Its going to be more complex since we're dealing with the scrollbox but there may be a solution that i can work with here: That will have to wait until after this release though.

soulhotel commented 5 months ago

Also quick fix for the the context menus being effected, so you don't have to search yourself just add #TabsToolbar-customization-target to the shadow styling

/* Source code for shadow inspired by */
/* */

#TabsToolbar-customization-target scrollbox {
Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

Also quick fix for the the context menus being effected, so you don't have to search yourself just add #TabsToolbar-customization-target to the shadow styling

/* Source code for shadow inspired by */
/* */

#TabsToolbar-customization-target scrollbox {

Does that work for you, though?

For me, it doesn't even register selector.


It looks like it lies in Shadow DOM (?)

soulhotel commented 5 months ago

i noticed after but its pretty annoying huh, when i transfer the effect to .scrollbox-clip instead of scrollbox it works, but on restart and updated code, nope. There might be a less specific selector that can be used


soulhotel commented 5 months ago

alright it has to be the shadow DOM

from what i understand, the :host will adopt the added effects from 'scrollbox' being targetted, but targetting just 'scrollbox' will also effect irrelevant elements obviously. On top of this, you cant target inside of a shadow Dom (:host) unless you do it that way, or depend on an agent sheet. It leaves two options really..

finding every other scrollbox, and seeing if they can be overwritten to cancel out the effect, or.. redoing the theming of the context menus as it seems they are the only things being effected

I did find something interesting that could be worked with,

<scrollbar (etc,etc,...) disabled="true"/>

when the scrollbox overflows with tabs 'disabled' for its child element becomes true. It could potentially work as a 'non-specific' attribute to target with a scrollbox:has selector. I havent tried it yet though.

soulhotel commented 5 months ago

Shoot i fixed it. Nvm.

.scrollbox-clip scrollbox[smoothscroll="true"] { style }

this works.

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

Yes, it seems to have fixed it.

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

Is there a way to style depending on amount of tabs pined? Because that would allow us to move that overflow indicator when more tabs are pinned, essentially creating that separate zone for pinned tabs.


Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

Ok, got some progress using :has selector. It's pretty powerful, but should be probably used with care as could have slight performance degradation, but so far have seen none. It would enable us some interesting quirks as settings variable in parent then using that in another child, as used here:

#tabbrowser-tabs:has(.tabbrowser-tab[pinned]:nth-of-type(1)) {
  --tab-height: 40px;

#tabbrowser-tabs:has(.tabbrowser-tab[pinned]:nth-of-type(2)) {
  --tab-height: 80px;

Code is boilerplatyy, but that just quirks of CSS. Then position overflow indicator derived from this variable, and you got an indicator in different position depending on amount of tabs pinned.

Will look for more robust solutions, not requiring so much boilerplate, but don't have much hope.

Another thing on similar topic I would like to pursue is, sticky active tab. There are times I just don't know what tab I'm on, and this would surely help in navigating. This shouldn't be any hard, maybe just interaction with pinned tabs is gonna be pain in the ass, and absolute positioning.

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

Ok, pushed this and other changes, most notably:

Would need testing if these are stable.

After this update, we need to work ASAP on some refactoring, namely:

soulhotel commented 5 months ago

The variables are self-explanatory, Everything related to colors is labeled accent/background/etc, -uc-light/dark are used interchangably to theme text between light and dark modes, selected/active for selected buttons (hovered) active for a button that has an active menu open, like extensions, then the border-radius and margins are only in the global positioning files labeled at the top and in the modification page as effected all windows, panels, borders, spacing, buttons and nothing else. Every other variable is just a default to Firefox that ive overwritten with my own. Regardless I do agree, I can work on a spreadsheet eventually and that would probably be for the doc folder.

Right now, im going to see how I can keep the buttons on the bottom aligned-left when hovered, then I'll go through every line of every file, organize them with indentations, and further organize what code belongs in what file.

Ive updated the 1.6.8 branch with all of this this will be a 1.7 release now. Check it out and Let me know what you think, what am I missing?


soulhotel commented 5 months ago

Also for styling the pinned tabs you already know its easy, the hard part is deciding on how they should look. At the moment this is the format



.tabbrowser-tab[pinned="true"], .tabbrowser-tab[pinned=""]

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

For the "sticky active tab" is it possible with just CSS? It would involve knowing the scrollboxs current position right? Where if the scrollbox is in the tabs peripherals, the tab would keep its current position. But if not, it would become an absolute position that stays at the top of the view. No, at all, surprisingly. Only one caveat, the same as pinned tabs, would require a fair amount of boilerplate, to accommodate for the amount of pinned tabs.

You can check my branch for this and other changes. Toolbars buttons were done there too, with experimental labels, although there's slight border gap, it's a CSS war what's overriding what I suppose, will need polish, but works surprisingly well, could fill that void with something other than just free space. A topic of toolbars buttons, I have thought of idea like this, instead of wasting so much vertical space, we could go horizontal on hover, and just show 1 or several buttons depending on amount, that just show expanded vertical menu on hover, but that's just mind experimentation for another time.

⚠️ The themes using about:config were using user agent script to change styles, tools like auto-config for that. The alternative would be using userChromeToggle, but thats limited to turning a theme on/off. user.js is only for making default I suppose, as that can't be done in CSS.

I'm thinking more of user.js style, like this, docs, albeit I can't find original docs, not sure why.

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

Ok, first thing I noticed, mouse to left border still doesn't show vertical tabs, in my branch, I have fixed this by applying :before element behind tabs and styling it like background to catch hover, as margin/padding/outline don't catch hover I think. Another one being toolbar buttons hover area have shrunk too, some regression in that regard. I have styled customize toolbar closed to its actual position, but it can be there as well if you like.

soulhotel commented 5 months ago

I'm thinking more of user.js style, like this, docs, albeit I can't find original docs, not sure why.

You know I have some experience with javascript but I never liked the idea of modifying useragents because theyre more of a headache than just userChrome alone when an update breaks things. But this still this is really good.

You could even use irrelevant config settings that dont necessary effect anything else (browser.aboutConfig.showWarning) as a toggle for certain styles.

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

If we prefix it with a unique name, I don't see why this should break. Maybe if Mozilla abandons it, but this has minimal security implications, well, maybe aside from changing actual security configs.. but then you download userChrome, with already comes with some responsibility. Just think this would streamline most of the options settings, and not require Frankenstein-like code to be commented to disable. My only worry is, if updating would also break current user selected options, but that's actual problem even now, so nothing much to lose.

Link Even Mozilla uses it under the hood, I think? For their Nightly experiments.

soulhotel commented 5 months ago

Ill consider it, although the thing holding me back is that adding useragents to the theme makes it a lot more complicated for normal users.

And I would have to study for that also, Ive never played around with them before. If I do consider it, I'd probably just remove the tabs completely and create my own from scratch using the already present info in the tabs apis, that sounds easier to work with. But this is only spectulation.

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

Excuse me, but what complications are you speaking of? user.js looks like this:

user_pref("general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.continuousMotionMaxDeltaMS", 250);
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.enabled", true);
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.motionBeginSpringConstant", 450);
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.regularSpringConstant", 450);
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.slowdownMinDeltaMS", 50);
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.slowdownMinDeltaRatio;0", 4);
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.slowdownSpringConstant", 5000);
user_pref("mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount", 22);
user_pref("toolkit.scrollbox.horizontalScrollDistance", 4);
user_pref("toolkit.scrollbox.verticalScrollDistance", 5);

And, from what can I see, is only limited to user_pref(). Its only purpose is to set about:config programmatically way by file, that supersedes browser default settings. We don't need any JS loader for this shit. We would only use our own variables with prefix to avoid name collision, we wouldn't touch firefox settings at all, preferentially.

Will write later proof of concept if this this works. This is completely separate from tabs issue.

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

Ok, tested it, and it has problems recognizing custom variables, will need to investigate further how other themes do it.

But maybe using user.js isn't a final solution, as settings there are permanent. Users would need to delete that file after first install to apply their own settings, this is suboptimal. But I'm standing by the use of media (-moz-bool-pref: "some.setting.there"), as this enables hot swapping of modifications. Although it is limited to boolean values in my research, it still is super useful.

soulhotel commented 5 months ago

My bad i started mixing up the userchrome script and user script. The custom preferences should always work so long as its

  1. in the right place
  2. and boolean


Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

Yes, it's working, but I wanted there to be default, i.e. not expecting everything on user's end. Example: Tabs vertical bar could have background by default, but there could be an option to disable it and hide. But if it can't be done, then nvm. A potential workaround would be just using different wording: = false = unset value, and then we just apply condition in CSS to be active when this is true,

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

My bad i started mixing up the userchrome script and user script. The custom preferences should always work so long as its

1. in the right place

2. and boolean


It is working, my problem lies in user.js and it's usage with custom variables.

soulhotel commented 5 months ago

Im liking this! I created a preference to remove vertical tabs, letting the user opt to use sidebery instead. And made some adjustments to the hiding tabs code. Another preference for toggling tab sizes. Made use of the position-verttab-gone.css file as a safeguard for users who might two tab sizes to true at the same time to only work when one is enabled at a time. Since I can only use booleans i cant just make a size string so this works just as well. Some more fine tuning needs to be done.


soulhotel commented 5 months ago

Referring to your comment it cam be done, when I'm back home 20 minutes I'll show what I did

soulhotel commented 5 months ago

alright i made the user.js relatively simple, no comments. I dont know what exactly you meant by no defaults but: these are defaults, tab size L, autohide On, verticle tabs 2024-04-13_13-23

For the first install when you place the user.js in the profile directory, you open firefox. The pref.js file already in the folder grabs the user.js every time firefox starts up. So when after you open firefox you can delete the user.js file.

When you change preferences like i did in the GIF above, it will remember these decisions.

Ive also added everything to the 1.7 branch, just simply wrapping the entire specific files in a media query.

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

Don't know why, but this doesn't work for me. I have user.js with content:

user_pref("ultima.tabs.vertical", true);
user_pref("ultima.tabs.xs", false);
user_pref("ultima.tabs.s", false);
user_pref("ultima.tabs.l", true);
user_pref("ultima.tabs.autohide", true);

But in about:config I don't see it being set. default_options It's the same for other variables.

Maybe Linux version is doing it differently.

soulhotel commented 5 months ago

Really.. and the custom pref's arent in the pref.js either?

it should be fine on linux after a quick search, it could be blocked by hardening settings, idk. You could try clearing startup cache in about:support, and also these settings are unrelated, but i did tweak them the first time i made the user.js, then youd have to copy/paste/restart again etc.

2024-04-13_16-00 2024-04-13_16-00_1

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

No, they aren't from I'm seeing, weird that there is this setting ultima.theme.setting set to true, but probably artifact from the past.

Oh, nvm figured it out. As I have learned it from here, I thought this was supposed to go alongside userChrome.css, but there being chrome folder nuzzled me off. Just was in wrong direction I guess, but, doesn't this break actual folder structure? Or users would be asked to download this file separately. Entire repo could be moved folder downwards, but as there are other, profile related files, I would be hesitant with users doing something there themselves (ex. git commands).

soulhotel commented 5 months ago

yes look at the new readme theres also a video in "detail" right under.

its in the chrome folder so users can just copy and paste it, they will need to follow the instruction of opening firefox and deleting it anyway so they have to be aware of that.

sidenote, new squared option removes borders, border radiuses, margins:


soulhotel commented 5 months ago

Ive uploaded all edits to the 1.7 branch, updated modifications page with preferences, and all links throughout the files are established for the main branch. Im just about ready to release.

Wait, you added labels to the mini button bar on hover, i'll actually bring that over when i get back home

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

It's still bugged somewhat, that causes a slight gap. Preferably it would mimic tabs behavior but had troubles setting it up.

soulhotel commented 5 months ago

It's still bugged somewhat, that causes a slight gap. Preferably it would mimic tabs behavior but had troubles setting it up.

Hey np. I just found this annoying little thing that you pointed out earlier, I thought I fixed it but it turns out the backwards/forwards icons by default arent centered like the other toolbar buttons.


soulhotel commented 5 months ago

alright, tried it myself and this was the result. only thing is, when not hovered, they jump a tiny bit to the right. I cant figure out why, but do you think this is good for release?

code ``` /* visual indicator, when hovered */ @media (-moz-bool-pref: "ultima.tabs.l"), (-moz-bool-pref: "ultima.tabs.s") { #TabsToolbar-customization-target .toolbarbutton-1:not(#tabs-newtab-button) { justify-content: left; margin-left:1px !important; } #TabsToolbar-customization-target:hover .toolbarbutton-1:not(#tabs-newtab-button) .toolbarbutton-text { display: flex; margin-left: 5px !important; overflow:clip; } #TabsToolbar-customization-target:not(:hover) .toolbarbutton-1:not(#tabs-newtab-button) .toolbarbutton-text { margin-left: 0px; display: none !important; } :root:not([customizing]) #TabsToolbar-customization-target toolbarbutton:hover + #tabbrowser-tabs { width: var(--uc-vertical-tabs-width-revert); } :root:not([customizing]) #TabsToolbar-customization-target toolbarbutton:hover ~ #tabbrowser-tabs { width: var(--uc-vertical-tabs-width-revert); } :root:not([customizing]) #TabsToolbar-customization-target:hover #tabbrowser-tabs { width: var(--uc-vertical-tabs-width-revert); } } ```


soulhotel commented 5 months ago

wait i know what this is, the icons are trying to match the width of the customization-target

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

You are using display: none, and this is a big no, when you want something to gracefully disappear. In my case I just shrank it till it was near 0px wide, but there was still problems with it being flex element and not fully respecting width property, some hacking with max-min width is necessary I would presume.

soulhotel commented 5 months ago

The transitions werent effective, because the toolbarbuttons were set to be 100% the width of the container transitions just made the jump more noticable, and using width would .. yes what you said, the flex element not respecting the width.

Although i got it down now. Simply keep the icons at the 40px max-limit when not hovered. Very smooth.


Also note: I replaced the forwardback buttons at the nav bar, much better

Kaedriz commented 5 months ago

You could also fuse text labels with icons, but this would require slight changes in toolbar buttons.

On another topic, I found this doc, that should be helpful for spreadsheet.