Hello and welcome to a new episode of Code && Beyond. A podcast where we talk about software development and anything beyond that.
Cloud computing is part of our daily life for a long time already. Some products might not be even possible without it. Besides obvious things like apps on our laptops, smartphones, and PCs, there are cloud-connected TVs, refrigerators, keyboards and so on.
While cloud computing definitely provides many great benefits to consumers and developers, it comes with a certain price. This isn't just about money. For consumers there are questions like privacy and personal information, freedom of choice, necessity to be always connected. For developers it might mean increased complexity of the things they work on.
Today we aren't going to fanatically blame or defend cloud computing, but try to analyze what works and doesn't work for us personally, what alternatives we use and why. When it might make sense to go cloudless?
My name is Alex and as usual I'm joined by my good friend Pablo.
Highlights of the week
Alex: TODO
Pablo: TODO
Okay! That's it for today. Thank you for listening! 🙂
In case of any questions, simply send us an email at "codeandbeyond at protonmail.com". You will also find the address in the show notes.
If you are listening to our show on Spotify. Don't forget to leave us a rating!
Keep being amazing! Bye! 👋🙂
Show notes
Check other episodes of the podcast at <https://codeandbeyond.rocks/> and don't forget to give a rating on Spotify ;)
Have any feedback? Send us an email at <codeandbeyond@protonmail.com>.
*Music by [Twisterium](https://pixabay.com/users/twisterium-20030970/) from Pixabay.*
Hello and welcome to a new episode of Code && Beyond. A podcast where we talk about software development and anything beyond that.
Cloud computing is part of our daily life for a long time already. Some products might not be even possible without it. Besides obvious things like apps on our laptops, smartphones, and PCs, there are cloud-connected TVs, refrigerators, keyboards and so on.
While cloud computing definitely provides many great benefits to consumers and developers, it comes with a certain price. This isn't just about money. For consumers there are questions like privacy and personal information, freedom of choice, necessity to be always connected. For developers it might mean increased complexity of the things they work on.
Today we aren't going to fanatically blame or defend cloud computing, but try to analyze what works and doesn't work for us personally, what alternatives we use and why. When it might make sense to go cloudless?
My name is Alex and as usual I'm joined by my good friend Pablo.
Highlights of the week
Okay! That's it for today. Thank you for listening! 🙂
In case of any questions, simply send us an email at "codeandbeyond at protonmail.com". You will also find the address in the show notes.
If you are listening to our show on Spotify. Don't forget to leave us a rating!
Keep being amazing! Bye! 👋🙂
Show notes