I'm clicking a link which is showing the datepicker but all it does is show the input box. As soon as I click on it it brings up the datepicker, but I'd like to set focus on it automatically in my js. I use this for regular input fields and it works great.
I'm clicking a link which is showing the datepicker but all it does is show the input box. As soon as I click on it it brings up the datepicker, but I'd like to set focus on it automatically in my js. I use this for regular input fields and it works great.
Ember.run.schedule("afterRender",this,function() { Ember.$("#datepickerid").focus(); });
Here's my datepicker html:
{{bootstrap-datepicker value=selectedBoHeader.js_ship_date class="input-sm input-75" id="datepickerid" clearBtn=true format="m/d/yyyy" assumeNearbyYear=true todayHighlight=true changeDate="shipDateChanged" autoclose=true}}
Is there a way to do this?