souliss / bindingopenhab

Binding to connect your Souliss Network to openHAB
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Automatic Item Discovery #14

Open juanpintom opened 8 years ago

juanpintom commented 8 years ago

Hi, I saw before you are working on a way to add items from nodes to OH automatically, is this function still possible?

Ty for your work on this binding :P Its awesome


juanpintom commented 8 years ago

Hi, Im thinking how we can accomplish this. The easy way will be create a python script to take data on a json structure (with Zozzariello or UDP) and modify the OH items and sitemap files with the values retreived from json.

Im looking for some info to learn how python can append or modify text files, we only need to create a "section" inside this files and edit with python script. The update script can be launched from OH with a button that launches the script and restart OH.

What do you think about the Ideas? I can help on this because I want to learn Python. Here I post some links I've readed to add some refererences on this comment.


juanpintom commented 8 years ago

Well, I worked on it and it's near to be done! =)

I will notice soon.


juanpintom commented 8 years ago

Hi all, a few weeks I was made a python script to automatically create a .items file, but now Zozzariello its removed from Souliss app, have you any idea to make this in other way?? (I can keep and old Souliss version, but we need to move forward)


juanpintom commented 8 years ago

Here is the code: