soulsmods / DSMapStudio

A standalone map/level editor for Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1/2/3, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring.
MIT License
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DSMS crashing on start up #935

Open Leroswend opened 3 weeks ago

Leroswend commented 3 weeks ago

I am experiencing immediate crashing on start up, I have used UXM selective unpacker and followed all other instructions for DSMS, I am not sure what is causing the issue crash log is attached

Log 2024-6-30--19-48-09.txt

Apthum commented 3 weeks ago

Same here. Trying to boot up the 1.11.1 version and it keeps giving me crashes Log 2024-7-01--19-31-50.txt

Philiquaz commented 3 weeks ago

The former error message appears to be fallout from a different crash (likely unknown dcx type, and the last loaded project not being defined, so it very intelligently crashes when trying to save a backup)

The latter error message is likely appearing because you don't have the files unzipped, so it's failing to find the regular shader, and then failing again to find the backup shader.

Leroswend commented 3 weeks ago

How would I go about fixing an unknown dcx type? I've also just been unable to open a new project at all. Sorry if I'm coming across a bit dumb but I'm very new to using programs like dsms so just want some clarification on where things are going wrong.

CreapyMushy commented 2 weeks ago

anyone know of a fix??

Ryusennin commented 2 weeks ago

I'm getting the same 'parameter path' crash with the latest Erdtree-compatible build.

It doesn't matter if I try to open an existing project (No Overworld BGM mod, for that matter) or if I delete the project and start a new one from scratch.

Looks like an identical issue as #920.

CreapyMushy commented 2 weeks ago

anyone know when a fix is going to be released im pretty sure the dlc broke it somehow

chrispysaid commented 1 week ago

Getting a series of very cool errors when creating a new ER project before it crashes:

Unknown DCX format.
at SoulsFormats.DCX.Decompress(BinaryReaderEx brt Type& type) in Jsrc/Andre/SoulsFormats/SoulsFormats/Formats/DCX.cs:line 159
at SoulsFormats.SFUtil.GetDecompressedBR(BinaryReaderEx brt Type& compression) in ./src/Andre/SoulsFormats/SoulsFormats/Util/SFUtil.cs.•line 212
at SoulsFormats.MountedSoulsFile'1.Read(Memory'1 bytes) in Jsrc/Andre/SoulsFormats/SoulsFormats/Util/MountedSoulsFile.cs:line 28
at SoulsFormats.SFUtil.DecryptERRegulation(String path) in ./src/Andre/SoulsFormats/SoulsFormats/Util/SFUtil.cs:line 531
at StudioCore.ParamEditor.ParamBankSaveParamsER(Boolean partial) in Jsrc/StudioCore/ParamEditor/ParamBank.cs:line 1904
at StudioCore.ParamEditor.ParamBank.SaveParams(Boolean loose, Boolean partialParams) in ./src/StudioCore/ParamEditor/ParamBank.cs:line 2046
at StudioCore.ParamEditor.ParamEditorScreenSaveAllO in Jsrc/StudioCore/ParamEditor/ParamEditorScreen.cs:line 1178
Attempted to save project files to Engine 2\ModEngine-2.1 (09-47-28) for manual recovery.
You must manually replace your project files with these recovery files should you wish to restore them.
Given the program has crashed, these files may be corrupt and you should backup your last good saved
files before attempting to use these.
DSMapStudio has run into an issue.
Crash log has been generated at Engine Logs\Log 2024-7-10--21-49-11 .txt".
Crash Log:
DSMapStudio Version 1.11,1
Unknown DCX format.
at SoulsFormats.DCX.Decompress(BinaryReaderEx brt Type& type) in ./src/Andre/SoulsFormats/SoulsFormats/Formats/DCX.cs:line 159
at SoulsFormatsSFUtil.GetDecompressedBR(BinaryReaderEx brt Type& compression) in Jsrc/Andre/SoulsFormats/SoulsFormats/Util/SFUtil.cs:line 212
at SoulsFormats.MountedSoulsFileS1.Read(Memory'1 bytes) in ./src/Andre/SoulsFormats/SoulsFormats/Util/MountedSoulsFile.cs:line 28
at SoulsFormatsSFUtil.DecryptERRegulation(String path) in ./src/Andre/SoulsFormats/SoulsFormats/Util/SFUtil.cs:line 531
at StudioCore.ParamEditor.ParamBank.LoadParamsERFromFile(String path, Boolean encrypted) in ./src/StudioCore/ParamEditor/ParamBank.cs:line 952
at StudioCore.ParamEditor.ParamBank.LoadVParamsERO in ./src/StudioCore/ParamEditor/ParamBank.cs:line 933
at in ./src/StudioCore/ParamEditor/ParamBank.cs:line 1160
at StudioCore.Editor.TaskManager.LiveTask.< CreateTask> in ./src/StudioCore/Editor/TaskManager.cs:line 183
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.lnnerlnvokeO
at System. Threading. Tasks. Task. < .cctor> b_281 _0(Object obj)
at System. Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread, ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object)
End of stack trace from previous location
at System. Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread, ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object)
at System. Threading. Tasks. Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task&, Thread )

Thanks Kanye, very cool