soundasleep / jquery-dropdown

Bootstrap-style dropdowns with some added features and no dependencies.
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Requires Two Clicks to properly work #66

Closed moshmage closed 9 years ago

moshmage commented 9 years ago

Ok, I made a fiddle because I was thinking it maybe was conflicting with something in my other javascripts -- it isn't. For some reason, the plugin requires two clicks to properly work.

It doesn't matter where the first click is (body, other element, wtv) but the dropdown will only work after the first click.

Or am I doing something terribly wrong?

4nickpick commented 9 years ago

class="dropdown-open" I'm guessing suggests to jquery-dropdown that the dropdown is already open. So clicking it is actually closing the dropdown. Just remove the class. Here's the jsfiddle:

claviska commented 9 years ago

@2nickpick is correct. Ditch the dropdown-open class. It's only used internally and shouldn't be in your HTML.

moshmage commented 9 years ago
