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Is purchase_title officially supported? #237

Open alexweinstein opened 1 year ago

alexweinstein commented 1 year ago

I'd like users to be able to update the Buy URL as well as the Buy Title for each track. As I'm working on the functionality, I'm finding some inconsistencies. It seems that the option to update a track's Buy Title is limited to certain accounts (possibly paid ones). Even on

SoundCloud Next User - Updating does not work for this users

SoundCloud Next Pro User - Updating works for this users

This also seems to be the case on metadata editor. See screenshots below.

Is purchase_title limited to paid accounts? Is this a bug? Or is the purchase_title a field that is not officially supported and should be avoided?

Image 2023-02-03 at 8 50 48 AM Image 2023-02-03 at 8 49 14 AM
