Open glung opened 7 years ago
This reminds me to add contribution section in the website too! Let me add it later after this issue is resolved :)
@glung I don't know if we can use intelliJ native code formatter from gradle task or not, but I found this nice tool called spotless ( that can be used for formatting code based on defined style from gradle task!
Please check it out and if you think it's good I'll try to create a PR!
Hum, it seems quite a bit of configurations and adds another dependency.
In the SoundCloud listeners app setup we use the following setup. Let me know what you think about it.
task setupCodeStyle << {
def template = file(".idea-codestyle.xml")
def ideaPrefDirs = file(System.env['HOME'] + '/Library/Preferences/').listFiles().findAll {
it.path.contains("AndroidStudio") ||
it.path.contains("IdeaIC") ||
println("Installing code style template to:")
ideaPrefDirs.forEach { println("-> $") }
ideaPrefDirs.collect {
file("$it.absolutePath/codestyles").with { it.mkdir(); it }
}.forEach {
ln(template, it)
def ln(File dest, File source) { exec { commandLine "ln", "-sf", dest.absolutePath, "$source.absolutePath/LightCycle.xml" } }
- add the following in CONTRIBUTING.xml
./gradlew setupCodeStyle Run ./gradlew setupCodeStyle; this will install our code formatter to all your IntelliJs From within Android Studio, go to File → Other Settings → Default Settings → Editor → Code Style. From the Scheme drop-down menu, select LightCycle
Yes, too bad Spotless will use different configuration with the native intelliJ one and will add more dependencies.
And I think I misunderstand this statement
configurable with a gradle task
I thought you want the gradle task to fix the wrong code style too!
If not, I think using the native IntelliJ code formatter with the code style you made is enough.
For the gradle task, I think it will only work in Mac environment. To make this work with Linux (unsure with Windows!) I think we will need to add ~/.<PRODUCT><VERSION>
(reference) so the task will looks like this
import org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem;
task setupCodeStyle << {
def template = file(".idea-codestyle.xml")
def currentOS = OperatingSystem.current()
def ideaPrefDirs
if (currentOS.isMacOsX()) {
ideaPrefDirs = file(System.env['HOME'] + '/Library/Preferences/').listFiles()
} else if (currentOS.isLinux() || currentOS.isUnix()) {
ideaPrefDirs = file(System.env['HOME']).listFiles()
} else {
ideaPrefDirs = new File[0]
ideaPrefDirs = ideaPrefDirs.findAll {
it.path.contains("AndroidStudio") ||
it.path.contains("IdeaIC") ||
println("Installing code style template to:")
ideaPrefDirs.forEach { println("-> $") }
ideaPrefDirs.collect {
if (currentOS.isMacOsX()) {
return file("$it.absolutePath/codestyles").with { it.mkdir(); it }
} else if (currentOS.isLinux()) {
return file("$it.absolutePath/config/codestyles").with { it.mkdir(); it }
} else {
return it
}.forEach {
ln(template, it)
This task is compatible with both MacOS and Linux (and other Unix based OS too).
Another way is we can write an .sh script and run it independently, and for Windows platform we can also write .bat script (Might be need some time to learn it first!).
Let me know what do you think about it 😃