soundcloud / soundcloud-custom-player

The SoundCloud custom javascript based player
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Broken in Firefox Mac #73

Open futurewest opened 10 years ago

futurewest commented 10 years ago

Any resolution for why this very cool custom player does not work in Firefox on the Mac

vorillaz commented 10 years ago

I am on the same spot, any ideas?

futurewest commented 10 years ago

No, I am kind of stuck here. I can think of why Firefox Mac only would break it. It sees the waveform so it is pulling in information. KInd of a deal breaker for me.

vorillaz commented 10 years ago

Maybe Firefox is falling back, but still I don't have any errors. The playlist on my case seems to stop changing the tracks. Maybe going to core Soundcloud API is the solution

wfsmith commented 10 years ago

It seems that firefox mac is sensitive to $.browser which will not work in 1.9 jquery and later.

Try using jquery migrate which restores $.browser. I would love to know what "feature" exactly I can look for with something like Modernizr for proper feature detection.

Here is jquery migrate:

futurewest commented 10 years ago

How do I use jQuery migrate? I tried linking to it in the head and also linking the jQuery 1.2.1 but I'm not a good programmer and it failed and conflicted with smoothscroll.js

vorillaz commented 10 years ago

No luck with that, I came with a custom solution dropping default Soundcloud API as a fallback on Firefox

futurewest commented 10 years ago

Theodore, How do implement your fix?

wfsmith commented 10 years ago

Yea migrate fixes the $.browser error in the console, but the whole thing still won't play and there are no errors. I don't want to attempt to fix this code for 3.5% of our traffic so I will probably just ditch it and write my own code.