soundmud / soundrts

A real-time strategy audio game
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add enemi buildings to the ctrl+tab filter #107

Open sanslash332 opened 6 years ago

sanslash332 commented 6 years ago

when you want target a specific enemy to an attack or a skill, is very hard to find fast the target that you want onli using the tab key. At most, add the buildings (like your damaged buildings) to the focuseable targets with the ctrl+tab keystrocke. Or, define a new modifier key to target enemy things.

soundmud commented 6 years ago

Maybe tab and control+tab would use different rules (for the filter and for selecting the most important first) depending on the currently controlled units. And an auto-repair mode could be added.

sanslash332 commented 6 years ago

Hmmm interesting, but... In some cases, with your units, you want to target one of your missplased buildings to destroy it.

Probably is isn't apply a filter depending the controlled unit, but a sorted list with enemy things first, and allied things next... But probably will be better find a switch or other modifier key to tarjet enemy things.
