soundmud / soundrts

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like a shortcuts menu, create a building shortcut menu. #15

Open sanslash332 opened 9 years ago

sanslash332 commented 9 years ago

Currently, when you want to select a specific building, you must navigate through all of your buildings with w until you can reach the building that you want. This behavior is annoying when you have more than 10 buildings, and you lose a lot of time when you pass the building that you want.

Create a modifier key (or command) that change the soldier keys for building keys for fast select of a building, or group of that.

use some command with w?

soundmud commented 9 years ago

If you pass the building that you want, you can use Shift+W to control the previous building.

So, the idea would be to extend the keyboard (which is saturated) by using an Alt+W modifier or prefix, so the buildings would have their own selection keys by type. The current types of buildings with menus: town hall and upgrades, barracks, lumber mil, forge, workshop, mages tower, temple, necropolis, dragons lair.

The bindings.txt file would have an additional modifier before the key. For example: ALT_W_MODE e: select_unit 1 building1

It would be necessary to define the town hall as a building1 type in style.txt: def townhall keyboard building1

soundmud commented 9 years ago

The trouble is that Alt+W would have to be pressed every time before pressing "E". A solution would be to sort buildings by type. This way you use Alt+W E the first time, then you press W several times.

But then an even simpler way, and without a mode, would be to use Control+W to skip to the next category of building. This seems simpler and convenient.

sanslash332 commented 9 years ago

hmm yep, the idea of change the sort of buildings sounds good.

use control +w to pass to the next list of buildings, and shift + control + w to go the previous list. But, with this, is necessary create a other keystroke to reset the list to the default. alt + control + w?

And, in styles.txt you can define which list is for any building.

For example:


for list hmmmm

but, with this, you don't make faster the selection of buildings.

hmm a good idea is use the ccontrol + w key, to acces a shortcut / menu selection of building list.

for example:

you press control +w to access the menu, and next press a to select the archery list.

next, you navigate through all of the buildings in this list, using the w or shift + w keys.

To change the list, you presscontrol + w. and if you want return the list to the default... am...

IDk... ¿space? ¿d? 0? escape? xD

Well, you define the key of list in the entry of each building in styles.txt like that:

def archery:

building_list a

ddef townhall:

building_list h; like Age of empires.

And, if you want that a building have two list (for example, one list only for these kind of buildings, another that have all military buildings, you can use more than one key)

def barracks:

building_list b m

def workshop:

building_list w m; m of military

def lumbermill:

building_list l u; u of upgrades

def blacksmith:

building_list s u

what do you think of that?

a, and, keep the alt + w keystrocke to select the next hidle building in the selected list.

From: soundmud Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 10:55 AM To: soundmud/soundrts Cc: Sandl Okino Subject: Re: [soundrts] like a shortcuts menu, create a building shortcut menu. (#15)

The trouble is that Alt+W would have to be pressed every time before pressing "E". A solution would be to sort buildings by type. This way you use Alt+W E the first time, then you press W several times.

But then an even simpler way, and without a mode, would be to use Control+W to skip to the next category of building. This seems simpler and convenient.

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soundmud commented 9 years ago

There would be only one buildings list, but this list would be sorted by type instead of by order of creation. So it wouldn't be necessary to go back to normal mode. There would be less than 8 types of buildings so it might be good enough (the other solution seems overcomplicated). And when you have a building with the right type you press control+1 to select all of them, for example.

sanslash332 commented 9 years ago


But, how to you go directly to the next kind of building?

For example, if you have three town halls and four barracks and you want to reach your workshop. you have to navigate through the tree town halls and the four barracks to reach the workshop? or pressing control + w you can go to directly from the first town hall, to your first barracks, and consecutively to your workshop?


From: soundmud Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 1:13 PM To: soundmud/soundrts Cc: Sandl Okino Subject: Re: [soundrts] like a shortcuts menu, create a building shortcut menu. (#15)

There would be only one buildings list, but this list would be sorted by type instead of by order of creation. So it wouldn't be necessary to go back to normal mode. There would be less than 8 types of buildings so it might be good enough (the other solution seems overcomplicated). And when you have a building with the right type you press control+1 to select all of them, for example.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

soundmud commented 9 years ago

Yes, pressing control + w you would go directly from the first town hall, to your first barracks, and consecutively to your workshop.