soundscape-community / soundscape-web-client

Intelligent navigation on any platform
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Android testing #1

Open steinbro opened 5 months ago

steinbro commented 5 months ago

Platform-specific behavior to verify:

  1. Accuracy and update frequency of location and orientation
  2. Are the default TTS voice and rate reasonable? Are the available options appropriate?
  3. When the screen is locked, or when the browser is in the background: a. Does audio continue to play? b. Does location and orientation get updated

Some iOS-specific tweaks/hacks have been necessary, such as getting Web Audio to work while the mute switch is enabled, and requiring a user interaction (button click) before audio will play. Does Android have any of its own restrictions that need to be addressed? It's possible using something like Howler.js would fix some of these platform-specific quirks, at least with respect to audio.

sebastianovide commented 6 days ago

Following this advice, I am using this ticket to provide Android test feedback.



sebastianovide commented 6 days ago

ok, here is PR to put the static pages and the proxy on the same URL (

steinbro commented 6 days ago

Re: speech rate, this may be the same as was reported in #18.