soundscape-community / soundscape-web-client

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Determine/document procedure for local testing with remote debugging #20

Closed steinbro closed 2 days ago

steinbro commented 2 months ago

When developing/testing, it's useful to run the Safari Web Inspector on a laptop against a connected iPhone running the web app (

However, this only really works with the app that's deployed to GitHub Pages. That's because the development server and tile server proxy aren't being served over HTTPS. The browser is okay with this when the server is localhost, but when it's a different device on the network, it refuses to allow Geolocation API calls on a non-HTTPS pages. If we serve the page with HTTPS, then the Fetch API will fail for the tile server proxy, because it is unencrypted.

Would a few self-signed certificates allow us to run a development server on a laptop and access from a different device (like a phone) on the same local network?

steinbro commented 3 days ago

The solution here is to use a tunnel that can serve over HTTPS, such as ngrok or any number of alternatives. I'll add that to the README.