sourab-sharma / TouchToRecord

Touch android camera surface view to record video using FFmpeg Recorder
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What for is FFmpegFrameRecorder #6

Closed bakua closed 9 years ago

bakua commented 9 years ago

Hello sourab,

thanks for developing such an amazing piece of code. I have one question about FFmpegFrameRecorder class. Is there any reason for having that one in demo project directly? Because there is already one in com.googlecode.javacv package in javacv.jar file.

Thank you for response, bakua

sourab-sharma commented 9 years ago

Hi Bakua,

I was facing different kind of problems while implementing the code. To take control of FrameRecorder I had included that file in my package and tried few things. Now I guess, the one from package will be enough for the code. I will delete that file from the code. Thanks for pointing out to left overs !

Cheers, Sourab

bakua commented 9 years ago


thank you :) I tried it with the one from javaCV library and it works the same, great. By the way, I can't find any licencing file for your code. Is there any?


sourab-sharma commented 9 years ago

Its free to use on your own will and on your own risk.

To know about JavaCv License: