souramoo / Needle

Android framework injection made easy
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Not working on N9005 #11

Closed conorohiggins closed 8 years ago

conorohiggins commented 8 years ago

When I try to run the script on my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 LTE (9005), I get this error:

$:~$ sudo /home/dave/Desktop/ *** Selected device 9c939e69 *** Device detected! proceeding... *** Working dir: /tmp/tmpwbx50i7e *** Rooting adbd... adbd is already running as root remount succeeded *** Pulling framework from device... 4018 KB/s (5536211 bytes in 1.345s) *** Disassembling framework... Error: Unable to access jarfile /home/dave/apktool.jar *** Done. Now this won't hurt a bit... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/dave/Desktop/", line 47, in <module> f = open(to_patch, "r") FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'framework.jar.out/smali/android/content/pm/PackageParser.smali'

conorohiggins commented 8 years ago

CyanogenMod 12.1 on the device

balazsmezei commented 8 years ago

It is looking for apktoo.jar in the wrong place. ("Error: Unable to access jarfile /home/dave/apktool.jar") Cd into /home/dave/Desktop, and then run ./

conorohiggins commented 8 years ago

Same problem after I cd into Desktop :-/

balazsmezei commented 8 years ago

Have you downloaded all the files? Can you paste your whole terminal log when you cd into desktop?

conorohiggins commented 8 years ago

I've got it working now, thanks. Your last comment was on the right track - and apktool weren't in the same folder.