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SGM-6974 - Investigate integrating a light theme toggle into the website #7004

Open gitstart-app[bot] opened 2 weeks ago

gitstart-app[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

This PR was created by GitStart to address the requirements from this ticket: SGM-6974. This ticket was imported from: SGM-6974


Investigates the option available for adding a light, dark theme toggle into the website

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traceyljohnson commented 1 week ago

Thanks for this @gitstart-sourcegraph ! So to clarify, if we want to set up custom color themes (option 1), could we do it in a way that is more semantic? Ex: you show the color "violet" for light and dark, but I'm wondering if it would make more sense to have the color names be something like "heading-color", then they inherit our TW colors like violet-500 or gray-700 depending on the theme...

gitstart-sourcegraph commented 1 week ago

Hi @traceyljohnson, absolutely, what you're asking for is achievable. As an example, let's consider the existing color theme dlsColors, which defines a set of color names alongside their respective hex codes in the tailwind.config file. These names can be reused within the createThemes function to customize themes and we can use custom namings to represent them. For instance:

const dlsColors = {
    violet: {
        100: '#EEDFFF',
        200: '#E8D1FF',
        300: '#CE9CFF',
        400: '#A112FF',
        500: '#820DDE',
        600: '#6112A3',
        // ... other shades of violet
    gray: {
        50: '#F9FAFB',
        100: '#F5F7FB',
        200: '#DBE2F0',
        300: '#A6B6D9',
        400: '#696B71',
        500: '#484B51',
        600: '#313131',
        700: '#121212',
        // ... other shades of gray
    // ... other color definitions

// Then we can define custom color utilities like "heading-violet" within `createThemes`:
    light: {
        'heading-violet': dlsColors.violet[500], // Violet shade 500 for light theme
    dark: {
        'heading-violet': dlsColors.violet[200], // Violet shade 200 for dark theme

// Similarly, for any other color, we can define:
    light: {
        'heading-color': dlsColors.gray[700], // Gray shade 700 for light theme
    dark: {
        'heading-color': dlsColors.gray[50], // Gray shade 50 for dark theme

// These custom class names can then be used within the components such as in a header element
<h1 className="text-heading-violet">...</h1>
// The `text-heading-violet` class will apply the corresponding color based on the theme.