sourcegraph / app

Issue tracker for the Sourcegraph app - a lightweight single-binary version of Sourcegraph for your local machine
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Linux: AppImage failure on Ubuntu machine #15

Open toshaoki opened 1 year ago

toshaoki commented 1 year ago


I recently experienced an issue with Sourcegraph which I installed on my Ubuntu machine via Homebrew. The problem seems to be related to a failed database migration. Specifically, the log indicates that the frontend service failed to start due to a "dirty database" with the following message:

% lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
Release:        20.04
Codename:       focal

% brew install sourcegraph/app/sourcegraph
% sourcegraph
✱ Sourcegraph App version: 2023.03.27+210185.ae7f75
tmpfriend.go:95: tmpfriend: Removing /tmp/.searcher.tmp/tmpfriend-2905720-1861983808
1684892830872900694     FATAL   sourcegraph     svcmain/svcmain.go:184   failed to start service {"Resource": {"": "sourcegraph", "service.version": "2023.03.27+210185.ae7f75", "": "toshaoki-linux"}, "Attributes": {"service": "frontend", "error": "failed to connect to frontend database: dirty database: schema \"frontend\" marked the following migrations as failed: 1648195639\nThe target schema is marked as dirty and no other migration operation is seen running on this schema. The last migration operation over this schema has failed (or, at least, the migrator instance issuing that migration has died). Please contact for further assistance."}}

I would appreciate your guidance in resolving this issue. Thank you.

taylorsperry commented 1 year ago

Hi, @toshaoki! Sorry for the slow reply here--we've been working on re-bundling the app as a native desktop application with Tauri. We've also refocused it to support our new AI coding assistant Cody instead of Code Search, which we think is a lot more useful. I'd love for you to give it a try and let us know what you think! The latest release is here, and there's more info in the updated docs.

toshaoki commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your reply!. I will try.

slimsag commented 1 year ago

Hi @toshaoki - were you able to get it running? We just announced the new Cody app yesterday:

toshaoki commented 1 year ago

Hi! @slimsag

I tried running 'cody_2023.6.28+1331.1867679b11_amd64.AppImage', but the following error occurred. I've restarted several times, but it did not improve.

Screenshot from 2023-06-30 12-10-16

slimsag commented 1 year ago

Hello @toshaoki - sorry for the delay - what do the logs show for you?

toshaoki commented 1 year ago

Hi! I reinstalled 'cody_2023.7.11+1384.7d20a90ce7_amd64.AppImage'. Nothing happens when I click on 'show logs'. I can only click on 'File an issue', 'Close and restart', 'Clear all data and restart'