sourcegraph / app

Issue tracker for the Sourcegraph app - a lightweight single-binary version of Sourcegraph for your local machine
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Port in use error requires logs to debug #21

Open jbn opened 1 year ago

jbn commented 1 year ago

I happened to have port 9000 taken by jupyter. The initial run of the app image on ubuntu 22 failed repeatedly on initial start. One of the last logs lines showed this issue and a restart with deleted data fixed it. But it was non-obvious.

slimsag commented 1 year ago

Thanks for filing this; we are prioritizing this very soon:

Will let you know once we have a version that resolves this behavior.

slimsag commented 1 year ago

We just released a new version which fixes the port conflict on :9000 (changed to :49000) - and are working on resolving other potential port conflicts.

Please let me know if this helps resolve the issue for you @jbn :)

jbn commented 1 year ago

great, thanks!

huyz commented 9 months ago

Portainer already uses port :49000 lol.

huyz commented 9 months ago

And btw, not a good idea for the Cody app to ship with port :3080 either. Lots of developers use the x080 ports for local dev purposes.

huyz commented 9 months ago

fight 😄