sourcegraph / appdash

Application tracing system for Go, based on Google's Dapper.
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Connection Pooling/http.Client usage #62

Closed cgilling closed 9 years ago

cgilling commented 9 years ago

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the code or for some other reason its not a big deal, but it seems to me like the model that is being used to collect traces and keep track of spans means that connection pooling with persistent connections would not be easy to do.

I'm looking at the example application at

httpClient := &http.Client{
    Transport: &httptrace.Transport{
        Recorder: appdash.NewRecorder(span, collector),
        SetName:  true,

and a new client is being creating each time the handler is being called, and I don't see any way around this because the span is tightly tied in with the transport.

slimsag commented 9 years ago

Hi @cgilling! -- good question!

The code is written that way (creating a new http.Client upon each request) primarily for simplicity -- it's not too difficult to rework it and make it more efficient and support persistent connections, I've hacked the example into this which uses a global http.Client instead by swapping out the recorder on the http.Transport of the http.Client (see below).

In a real application you will probably want to use a pool of clients rather than a single global one for all incoming requests to your app (depending on what you are doing) -- but the concepts here remain applicable to that situation just as well.

Let me know if you have any other questions! :smiley:

// webapp: a standalone example Negroni / Gorilla based webapp.
// This example demonstrates basic usage of Appdash in a Negroni / Gorilla
// based web application. The entire application is ran locally (i.e. on the
// same server) -- even the Appdash web UI.
package main

import (



// Used to store the SpanID in a request's context (see gorilla/context docs
// for more information).
const CtxSpanID = 0

// We want to create HTTP clients recording to this collector inside our Home
// handler below, so we use a global variable (for simplicity sake) to store
// the collector in use. We could also use gorilla/context to store it.
var collector appdash.Collector

func main() {
    // Create a recent in-memory store, evicting data after 20s.
    // The store defines where information about traces (i.e. spans and
    // annotations) will be stored during the lifetime of the application. This
    // application uses a MemoryStore store wrapped by a RecentStore with an
    // eviction time of 20s (i.e. all data after 20s is deleted from memory).
    memStore := appdash.NewMemoryStore()
    store := &appdash.RecentStore{
        MinEvictAge: 20 * time.Second,
        DeleteStore: memStore,

    // Start the Appdash web UI on port 8700.
    // This is the actual Appdash web UI -- usable as a Go package itself, We
    // embed it directly into our application such that visiting the web server
    // on HTTP port 8700 will bring us to the web UI, displaying information
    // about this specific web-server (another alternative would be to connect
    // to a centralized Appdash collection server).
    tapp := traceapp.New(nil)
    tapp.Store = store
    tapp.Queryer = memStore
    log.Println("Appdash web UI running on HTTP :8700")
    go func() {
        log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8700", tapp))

    // We will use a local collector (as we are running the Appdash web UI
    // embedded within our app).
    // A collector is responsible for collecting the information about traces
    // (i.e. spans and annotations) and placing them into a store. In this app
    // we use a local collector (we could also use a remote collector, sending
    // the information to a remote Appdash collection server).
    collector = appdash.NewLocalCollector(store)

    // Create the appdash/httptrace middleware.
    // Here we initialize the appdash/httptrace middleware. It is a Negroni
    // compliant HTTP middleware that will generate HTTP events for Appdash to
    // display. We could also instruct Appdash with events manually, if we
    // wanted to.
    tracemw := httptrace.Middleware(collector, &httptrace.MiddlewareConfig{
        RouteName: func(r *http.Request) string { return r.URL.Path },
        SetContextSpan: func(r *http.Request, spanID appdash.SpanID) {
            context.Set(r, CtxSpanID, spanID)

    // Setup our router (for information, see the gorilla/mux docs):
    router := mux.NewRouter()
    router.HandleFunc("/", Home)
    router.HandleFunc("/endpoint", Endpoint)

    // Setup Negroni for our app (for information, see the negroni docs):
    n := negroni.Classic()
    n.Use(negroni.HandlerFunc(tracemw)) // Register appdash's HTTP middleware.

// The global HTTP client and transport:
// Note: in a high-performance app you would probably want to use a pool of
// reusable HTTP clients, rather than a single one for all requests.
var (
    clientLock    sync.Mutex
    httpTransport = &httptrace.Transport{
        SetName: true,
    httpClient = &http.Client{Transport: httpTransport}

// Home is the homepage handler for our app.
func Home(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // Grab the span from the gorilla context. We do this so that we can grab
    // the span.Trace ID and link directly to the trace on the web-page itself!
    span := context.Get(r, CtxSpanID).(appdash.SpanID)

    // Protect against data races on the client as HTTP handlers are invoked in
    // different goroutines.
    defer clientLock.Unlock()

    // Assign the transport's event recorder.
    httpTransport.Recorder = appdash.NewRecorder(span, collector)

    // Make three API requests using our HTTP client.
    for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
        resp, err := httpClient.Get("http://localhost:8699/endpoint")
        if err != nil {
            log.Println("/endpoint:", err)

    // Render the page.
    fmt.Fprintf(w, `<p>Three API requests have been made!</p>`)
    fmt.Fprintf(w, `<p><a href="http://localhost:8700/traces/%s" target="_">View the trace (ID:%s)</a></p>`, span.Trace, span.Trace)

// Endpoint is an example API endpoint. In a real application, the backend of
// your service would be contacting several external and internal API endpoints
// which may be the bottleneck of your application.
// For example purposes we just sleep for 200ms before responding to simulate a
// slow API endpoint as the bottleneck of your application.
func Endpoint(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
    fmt.Fprintf(w, "Slept for 200ms!")
slimsag commented 9 years ago

I'm going to close this issue as it appears a bit stale. @cgilling if you have any other questions just let me know and I'll re-open this :smiley: