Why are pro devs spotty users?
Which AI coding tools recommend to their employers and why?
Which AI coding assistants are users choosing over Cody and why?
Are there cool features that other tools have that we don’t? (eg, inline completions)
Do other tools feel faster?
Do other tools feel higher quality?
Tradeoffs: how users prioritize speed vs. quality
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Slack: https://sourcegraph.slack.com/archives/C05PCA92ATT/p1713021070366289 Survey: https://app.usertesting.com/workspaces/937482/test/625ee804-0bc5-4cf4-a022-2f5945f40c9a/test-plan Dovetail: https://sourcegraph.dovetail.com/projects/5si3TotqeIRZQncT2MIweQ/readme
Link to raw results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wy8hTTfmhmue9Ae1VPmJdSdri5rnQa40/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=118020605281868467773&rtpof=true&sd=true
Link to UserTesting (they provide some data viz): https://app.usertesting.com/workspaces/937482/test/625ee804-0bc5-4cf4-a022-2f5945f40c9a/results?tid=audience
Why are pro devs spotty users? Which AI coding tools recommend to their employers and why? Which AI coding assistants are users choosing over Cody and why? Are there cool features that other tools have that we don’t? (eg, inline completions) Do other tools feel faster? Do other tools feel higher quality? Tradeoffs: how users prioritize speed vs. quality