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Introduction to Finite State Machines (FSMs), touching on gRPC, and testing of the FSM.
Amy walks us through her usage of a Finite State Machine to implement automatic upgrades of clients running in a Kubernetes (k8s) cluster, also touching on gRPC, and testing of the FSM.
Finite State Machines: Use them if they work for you.
What's an FSM?
An abstract machine that can be in one of a finite number of states, which changes state in response to external inputs. The "one" and the "finite" are important. If the situation you're modeling can have multiple simultaneous states, or an infinite number of states (or even just a really large number), FSMs may be the wrong tool.
There are two classes of FSM: Deterministic & non-deterministic. In a deterministic FSM, a given input will make the machine transition to exactly one new state (which may be the same as the current state). In a non-deterministic FSM, the same input can cause transitions to different states. (Thus the non-determinism.)
Amy discusses deterministic FSMs.
Sample uses
Modeling UI states
Games / game theory
tcp network stacks
pattern matching
automata / machine learning
When might they be useful?
finite states, small # (large #'s can be really complicated)
sequence of events matters
well-defined inputs
If any of these are not true, FSMs may be the wrong tool to model your problem.
Her problem: auto-updating a client in a k8s cluster
She needed to automatically update a client running in a Kubernetes cluster. For reasons involving the client configuration xml, k8s's native auto-update was insufficient
Sidebar: designing an fsm
Some important points to remember:
don't get stuck in a state
if you are, you may need retry loops, timeouts, error thresholds, reverting to old states
remember to consider failure states & error states
The state machine
Each client has config stored in etcd
Green: new client state transitions
Red: current client state transitions
current client: starts in start state
start -> processed
processed -> updating (this means: apply next version of client; health check it; if healthy, set old client to be condemned; new client will clean it up)
updating -> condemned
new client:
start -> updating
updating -> processed | failed
Can transition to one of two different states, depending on the health-check mentioned above
Failed updates are tracked and not re-applied if they come in again.
Server / Client gRPC
Client asks server: Is there a new version? (gRPC request)
Server says: Yes, here it is (gRPC response)
Code was pseudo-code. "Which works with my pseudo-compiler!" :)
To be posted on GitHub & Twitter later.
Define states as constants
gRPC client
what's the new version?
k8s crd client
what's the current config & current FSM state?
These are the two inputs mentioned previously
create Client struct
Poll every 5s till stop channel closed
here's where fsm happens
get new state, process it, close old state
Client struct
version string
newVersion *proto.Package
localState []Package
func stateMachine()
get input # 1: new version from server
input # 2: get local version from CRD
determine current state of client
switch on state
switch state {
case START:
state = c.startState()
state = c.processedState()
state = c.updatingState()
state = c.condemedState()
case FAILED:
state = c.failedState()
The startState() function
func (c *Client) startState() string {
// This is the first client
if len(c.localState) == 0 {
// Create CRD
// State of client is PROCESSED
That is:
first client?
create crd
return "processed" as next state
else return "updating" as next state
In the server, the GetVersion func returns the current version specification, with config yaml. To upgrade, update the server code & redeploy it.
Protobuf definition
(Briefly: protobuf defines a "Service" with various functions, which becomes an interface you have to implement, and then each "Message" is a struct. An RPC function takes a struct as input, and returns a struct as output. If you want multiple inputs / outputs, you have to wrap them all in the struct.)
service VersionService, with single GetVersion rpc call defined
message GetVersionRequest
message Package
message GetVersionResponse
gRPC generates the Go code from the protobuf definition
grpc client
k8s client to look at local state
new versions & packages
protobuf — defines the api itself
Testing the FSM
Mock the server — mock the func the client calls
run EXPECT & give responses you want
make sure state transitions happen the way you expect
e.g. test given "start" state, transition to "processed" state
She doesn't really trust this test. Too much is mocked.
So: mock the server more accurately, set it up so it can return arbitrary version transitions, and then test various state transitions, using real client code.
She learned a lot, both writing the code and prepping for the talk. Hopes we did too!
Presenter: Amy Codes, @TheAmyCode
Liveblogger: Larry Clapp
Introduction to Finite State Machines (FSMs), touching on gRPC, and testing of the FSM.
Amy walks us through her usage of a Finite State Machine to implement automatic upgrades of clients running in a Kubernetes (k8s) cluster, also touching on gRPC, and testing of the FSM.
Finite State Machines: Use them if they work for you.
What's an FSM?
An abstract machine that can be in one of a finite number of states, which changes state in response to external inputs. The "one" and the "finite" are important. If the situation you're modeling can have multiple simultaneous states, or an infinite number of states (or even just a really large number), FSMs may be the wrong tool.
There are two classes of FSM: Deterministic & non-deterministic. In a deterministic FSM, a given input will make the machine transition to exactly one new state (which may be the same as the current state). In a non-deterministic FSM, the same input can cause transitions to different states. (Thus the non-determinism.)
Amy discusses deterministic FSMs.
Sample uses
When might they be useful?
If any of these are not true, FSMs may be the wrong tool to model your problem.
Her problem: auto-updating a client in a k8s cluster
She needed to automatically update a client running in a Kubernetes cluster. For reasons involving the client configuration xml, k8s's native auto-update was insufficient
Sidebar: designing an fsm
Some important points to remember:
The state machine
Each client has config stored in etcd
Green: new client state transitions Red: current client state transitions
current client: starts in start state start -> processed processed -> updating (this means: apply next version of client; health check it; if healthy, set old client to be condemned; new client will clean it up) updating -> condemned
new client: start -> updating updating -> processed | failed
Failed updates are tracked and not re-applied if they come in again.
Server / Client gRPC
Client asks server: Is there a new version? (gRPC request) Server says: Yes, here it is (gRPC response)
Code was pseudo-code. "Which works with my pseudo-compiler!" :)
To be posted on GitHub & Twitter later.
Define states as constants
Client struct
func stateMachine()
The startState() function
That is:
In the server, the GetVersion func returns the current version specification, with config yaml. To upgrade, update the server code & redeploy it.
Protobuf definition
(Briefly: protobuf defines a "Service" with various functions, which becomes an interface you have to implement, and then each "Message" is a struct. An RPC function takes a struct as input, and returns a struct as output. If you want multiple inputs / outputs, you have to wrap them all in the struct.)
service VersionService, with single GetVersion rpc call defined
message GetVersionRequest
message Package
message GetVersionResponse
gRPC generates the Go code from the protobuf definition
Testing the FSM
Mock the server — mock the func the client calls
e.g. test given "start" state, transition to "processed" state
She doesn't really trust this test. Too much is mocked.
So: mock the server more accurately, set it up so it can return arbitrary version transitions, and then test various state transitions, using real client code.