sourcegraph / lsif-clang

Language Server Indexing Format (LSIF) generator for C, C++ and Objective C
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Set up demo C++ project with precise code intelligence #65

Open varungandhi-src opened 2 years ago

varungandhi-src commented 2 years ago

If we can showcase how some of the complex features in C++ work with precise code intel, that would be compelling to people who are interested in setting up lsif-clang on their codebase.

We should try to find a C++ project that is:

which can serve as a demo for lsif-clang.

It should probably also be C++11 or C++14, since the LLVM we forked is relatively old.

tjdevries commented 2 years ago

Could also just fork a project and then not commit to it anymore to use as a demo

varungandhi-src commented 2 years ago

Ouch, looks like we cite a bunch of examples in our docs ( but they don't work. 😬