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ci: refactor asdf plugin installations #29375

Closed jhchabran closed 2 years ago

jhchabran commented 2 years ago

When a fresh e2e agent is being deployed on GCP, it will fail if some plugins are not installed.

The current approach to address this is to install the plugins directly in the agent when baking the images and to then let each repository handle the installation of each tool version themselves.

If a plugin was not added and is present in .tools-version, calling asdf install will fail seen above.

There are multiple issues with our current approach:

➡️ As we are moving to stateless agents, it may make sense to let each repository handle grabbing its plugin on its own, merely providing agents with a bare asdf installed.

jhchabran commented 2 years ago

@bobheadxi What about, along the way, also getting rid of .nvmrc + LEGACY_TOOLS_VERSION=1 in .asdfrc? We have talked about it a few times but never did it. This task scope and is required to QA'it would cover it as well :)

That would simplify stuff in:

jhchabran commented 2 years ago

I just recalled that we also need to clean up which, being run in a pre-command is rather heavy-handed. Moving it to a post-checkout out would be saner I think.

bobheadxi commented 2 years ago

Update: I've been struggling to get the build to run smoothly on my machine, and am going to revisit this next week in favour of some smaller tasks and SOC2 work. The script in works locally though

Hopefully company laptop arrives sooner rather than later 😬

bobheadxi commented 2 years ago

Reopening - agents with the plugin installation has rolled out, I am going to keep this open to work through the refactors

bobheadxi commented 2 years ago

@jhchabran I'm going to close this with and A bunch of other repos has this "kickstart" clutter that adds asdf installs and asdf plugin-add scripts - it seems to be used in various instructions and automation to generate GitHub actions using... dhall? I think cleaning up all this stuff is out of scope, and if it works now I'd rather not make changes to a whole bunch of repos that are not that critical. Most don't seem to run in Buildkite anyway

The rest of the "more important" deploy-sourcegraph repos all seem to only have asdf install in pre-command, which is good: and no usages of plugin-add, which is also good: