Open coury-clark opened 2 years ago
Heads up @joelkw @felixfbecker @vovakulikov @unclejustin - the "team/code-insights" label was applied to this issue.
One possibility to consider is cleanly separating visualization mutations from data series mutations. To accomplish this we would do something along the lines of:
An example of this relationship
This might raise some other questions though, for example:
, or does it roll up in the original line chart mutation?related to #33931
Leaving this here since it's since I'll consider it related. In the past when looking at graphql and dashboards I had come across this: and while I didn't end up needing to do that in the past, I found the approach interesting.
I found the approach interesting.
The part I think the most about is the separation of the definition of what queries to run to capture data
and then how you want to visualize it
Echoing @chwarwick 's comment above. I know (think?) we have to have slightly different data shapes for different chart types, but in general, if we could have a data query that stores the "information". And a visualization query that describes the chart and points to the data. That's what makes sense to me.
In the UI the data query maps to the "what". i.e. the search query And the viz query maps to meta information and links to the appropriate data query. Then, an update to the viz (like changing to a different chart) wouldn't need to refetch data if the data shapes were compatible.
@unclejustin @chwarwick during our conversation with @coury-clark we agreed that we would probably find a solution for querying but we've got a few questions around mutations
@coury-clark correct me if I missed something there
@vovakulikov What I was thinking and I haven't worked out all the details to tell if it's possible would be to look at the creation of a series as separate from how it's visualized.
If we look at the core pieces of data that makes up the series it does not specify how or limit us in the way that we eventually present that data back to the user:
(The last two may be better kept at a higher place in the tree so that all series in the insight share them but there also there could be benefit from allowing them to differ)
The data from those series could be a line or bar chart with historical values, it could be a pie chart with only the most recent data.
The second piece would be then at the insight view level defining which series to include in the view and the default shape (chart type) that would want those series returned in. I think it would be possible make this a single type without having to create something with too many optional values that cover all case. A quick first pass could be something that looks similar to:
input SearchInsightInput {
The list of data series to create (or add) to this insight and how to display them.
dataSeries: [InsightDataSeriesDisplayInput!]!
Title of the insight.
title: String
The dashboard IDs to associate this insight with once created.
dashboards: [ID!]
The default values for filters and aggregates for this line chart.
viewControls: InsightViewControlsInput
enum ChartType {
input InsightDataSeriesDisplayInput {
Options that cover all charts types (this would need to be exhaustive of any type of chart and most likely contain quite a few optional fields
options: ChartOptionsInput!
The default type of chart to display
chartType: ChartType
The series to be displayed
series: InsightDataSeriesInput
input InsightDataSeriesInput {
Unique ID for the series. Omit this field if it's a new series.
seriesId: String
The query string.
query: String!
The scope of repositories.
repositoryScope: RepositoryScopeInput!
The scope of time.
timeScope: TimeScopeInput!
If we were to do something like this it would be possible to combine chart types in once visualization (if they are compatable) as well as create multiple insights with re-using the same series but displaying them in different chart types. For example you could look at current python version over time and next to it place a pie chart using the same data which would look only at the most recent data point.
(For iteration 18, we want to get to potential specific implementation improvements, and even begin on them – things that will make our roadmap easier/we know are coming.)
Google Docs doesn't have code blocks so I'm going to link to this comment in the RFC for this issue. (Pending.)
input PieChartSeriesInput {
seriesId: String!
otherThreshold: Float!
input LineChartSeriesInput {
seriesId: String!
label: String!
stroke: String!
# .. more chart input types
input SearchSeriesInput {
seriesId: String!
query: String!
repositoryScope: RepositoryScopeInput!
timeScope: TimeScopeInput!
input WebhookSeriesInput {
seriesId: String!
url: String!
timeScope: TimeScopeInput!
# .. more data generation input types
input SeriesPresentationInput {
lineChart: [LineChartSeriesInput!]
pieChart: [PieChartSeriesInput!]
# .. more chart types
input SeriesDefinitionInput {
search: [SearchSeriesInput!]
webhook: [WebhookSeriesInput!]
# .. more data generation types
input InsightViewInput {
seriesOrder: [String!]!
seriesPresentations: SeriesPresentationInput!
seriesDefinitions: SeriesDefinitionInput!
viewControls: InsightViewControlsInput!
title: String!
Note on series ordering: If the series data/viz information is decoupled and batched like this, we need another way to specify ordering. (And in the case of an update, to specify added/removed series.) We had an id format for dashboards which allowed us to identify virtualized dashboards. I think we could do something similar here for new ids. That way new series could be denoted and ordered and still matched up with the series data/viz information in the other fields.
Next steps:
In our GraphQL API we have mutations such as the following
that couple a visualization type (line chart) to a series type (search). This has a number of problems:We should consider alternative approaches that will reduce this complexity. Some ideal outcomes may be: