Since we are going to have more than just one chart type for an insight we have to add a switcher UI for the insight card layout to be able to expose different chart type settings.
A few things to consider
Different insight types could be represented with different subsets of chart types. For example, this isn't possible to have a pie chart for search-based insight or have line chart for the lang stats insight. The insight type should eliminate impossible chart types.
Different chart types could have different settings, For example, a line chart can have a start Y-axis with zero, bar and pie charts don't have this setting.
Some insight types could be presented through a stacked-like (line or bar) chart. Other types don't have a stacked option.
Since we are going to have more than just one chart type for an insight we have to add a switcher UI for the insight card layout to be able to expose different chart type settings.
A few things to consider
A possible solution for chart type switcher