I am trying to boost up the performance of my web app by caching some of the API request with HTTP cache. I've tried to use Rails' standard memory cache and a custom written one but each request is uncacheable.
HTTP Cache: [GET /parks] miss, uncacheable
I could not find any info as to what prevents caching. This is my first attempt so I don't really know where to start digging.
Faraday config:
@conn = Faraday.new(url: URL) do |builder|
builder.use :http_cache, store: Rails.cache, logger: ActiveSupport::Logger.new(STDOUT)
builder.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
I am trying to boost up the performance of my web app by caching some of the API request with HTTP cache. I've tried to use Rails' standard memory cache and a custom written one but each request is uncacheable.
HTTP Cache: [GET /parks] miss, uncacheable
I could not find any info as to what prevents caching. This is my first attempt so I don't really know where to start digging.
Faraday config:
Rails config:
I also have access to the API's nginx server config: