sourcerer-io / sourcerer-app

🦄 Sourcerer app makes a visual profile from your GitHub and git repositories.
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Stats say I've contributed 745k LOC in 760 commits but I definitely don't average close to 1k LOC per commit #472

Closed iansan5653 closed 5 years ago

iansan5653 commented 5 years ago

Pretty much what the title says. My profile stat for lines of code seems excessively high - almost all of my commits are less than 100 lines.

kajchang commented 5 years ago

For me, I think I've committed node_modules a few times, and technologies like bootstrap show up as 4k LOC and jquery-validate shows up as 11k so maybe there should be a check that excludes vendored / node_modules code.

kajchang commented 5 years ago

@yaronskaya was this removed globally? Because this type of filter would probably help:

iansan5653 commented 5 years ago

I think it might have something to do with submodules? Sourcerer says I contributed 500k lines in this range, but the biggest commits I can find are still only 20k lines (here and here)

iansan5653 commented 5 years ago

Actually, never mind. Here's the 650k line commit

kajchang commented 5 years ago

I worked on a repo without node_modules in .gitignore and when I added a dependency it added 200k LOC:, which probably shouldn't be counted by Sourcerer.

yaronskaya commented 5 years ago

Hi @kajchang. We updated the app so it doesn't count node_modules now.

kajchang commented 5 years ago

Thanks, it's working well for me now!

iansan5653 commented 5 years ago

@yaronskaya Can this be reopened? My original issue was not fixed -- this commit (usf-avc/public-website@18a0f4c), for example, is 650,000 lines without involving node_modules. Could you set a maximum line limit per commit, or at least allow me to set one?

iansan5653 commented 5 years ago

Actually, never mind. Looks like it is handled already and my profile hadn't updated. My number is still high but not nearly as high.