sourcerer-io / sourcerer-app

🦄 Sourcerer app makes a visual profile from your GitHub and git repositories.
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Not having access to an email accoun- from a previous job. What to do? #494

Closed whoan closed 5 years ago

whoan commented 5 years ago

I don't have access to an email account from a previous job, so how can I confirm the account belongs to me?

dancompton commented 5 years ago

I actually have the same issue and I think it's going to be a common one -- especially for statrup vets.

  1. One solution would be to verify your commits via a GPG key -- then you could prove that you were the committer regardless of email. You would just need to export your public key to sourcerer and they could issue a challenge by encrypting a message. You would then provide the decrypted message.

  2. If the startup went under, you could buy the domain..

  3. Contact google or your previous company. They can help.

aodj commented 5 years ago

It's even worse than that in some cases, if you haven't configured git correctly and your commits come from the hostname: alexander@Alexanders-MacBook-Air.local for example.

Good luck validating that email address.

kihonq commented 4 years ago

@aodj I'm in the same boat bro 😭