sourcerer-io / sourcerer-app

🦄 Sourcerer app makes a visual profile from your GitHub and git repositories.
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git/github username mixup. #514

Open grabear opened 5 years ago

grabear commented 5 years ago

I'm having an issue that's I think is related to (or at least compounded by) #370.

I'm having the repo processing issues. I only have 17 in my profile, but if you look at GitHub I have 66 (some of them might be private), and that's not including the ones that I have in all of the organizations that I contribute to.

Additionally, if you look at the repositories that are on my profile (OrthoEvolution for instance), they do not take into account that I have maybe used a different username or email when i committed locally. Maybe on one computer, I configured git with "" and "Rob Gilmore", but on another system I used "" and "Robert Gilmore". And on yet another system I simply used the name "grabear".


My question is how does get info about how many commits I've made on a repository? If it's by the git configured username that I've committed under, then it will only recognize 1 out of 3 usernames as myself. If it uses the git configured email then it would probably line up more often.

I realize that I should probably be more consistent with my git configurations. So is this something I need to change on my end (via Or is there some inherent problem that I don't see?

mdiller commented 4 years ago

Bump on this. I'm experiencing the same thing and am wondering if there is a workaround.

sergey48k commented 4 years ago

Apologies. I thought this was answered.

Sourcerer only looks at emails when matching commits. When you log in via GitHub, it gets the list of the emails that GitHub knows about and counts commits assigned to those emails. However, you can also add emails to the list. For this, go to and add as many as you want. Then refresh your profile, and it should count all commits.

mdiller commented 4 years ago

Thanks, thats perfect!

grabear commented 4 years ago

Hey! Thanks for the response 😃. is a really cool way to display github user stats.

Unfortunately, even after adding my other email address it still doesn't seem to add the proper repositories. (i have more than 26). It also doesn't recognize all of the commits that I've made. Here is an example of a large code-base that I created:


Unfortunately, I've used several git usernames so it registers that as different people. I don't want to change my git history just so it registers properly. Is there any way I can add these names to my profile?

Additionally, one of my most popular repositories doesn't show up on my profile. It was scanned and the status is marked as "ok", but it's not available on my profile at all.


Any thoughts on this? @sergey48k