sourcerer-io / sourcerer-app

🦄 Sourcerer app makes a visual profile from your GitHub and git repositories.
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Commits not showing for local private repository #565

Closed caseyjkey closed 4 years ago

caseyjkey commented 4 years ago

I added my work repository to the desktop sourcerer app, then when I start sourcerer, it says no commits with my email have been found. I went to a PR I made in the repo, and checked a commit's patch for my email, and I confirmed I had that email added to sourcerer's list. Does my PR need to be merged before sourcerer will count my commits? This doesn't seem to be the case, as sourcerer was able to include commits from a repository which had no remote (and therefor no PRs/master branch).

caseyjkey commented 4 years ago

Okay, when I cd into the directory which sourcerer says has no commits from me, I can do a git log and see that there are commits made by me in the author section Author: Casey Key <> this email is in the list of emails returned by sourcerer. When sourcerer prompts to add another email because no commits where found, I add the email I found via git log. Sourcerer runs but no Ruby commits from the repo are shown. Big part of my work is done in this repo so I need to have it tracked.

This repo is part of a private organization so I am running the sourcerer app locally. It is located in my Windows directory and I am running this from a WSL shell. Sourcerer works for my other local projects which are all on the WSL file system. It appears the sourcerer is able to read the repo from the progress output.

yaronskaya commented 4 years ago

Hi @caseykey. Does your local repository contain master branch? Are your commits in master branch?

caseyjkey commented 4 years ago

Hi @caseykey. Does your local repository contain master branch? Are your commits in master branch?

All my commits are made in "feature" branches. None of my commits have been merged into master yet.

EDIT 1/02/20: My PR was approved and I have commits as part of the master branch. When I go to the repo now and view the commits made to the default branch (our main branch goes by a release number, not "master"), I can see my commits. When I go to one of my commits and view the patch, my email which is added to Sourcerer is present.

I made sure to checkout and fetch the changes from remote "master" since my PR was merged.

EDIT 1/03/20: I tried sourcerer again after checking out and fetching the default branch from the project ie release/xx.x. With this branch checked out (the one which my PR got merged into), Sourcerer still says that no commits with my email were found.

FIXED: I cloned the repository to a folder within my home directory of WSL. I suspect the issue was the directory was in my Windows filesystem's home directory, and my username is my full name including a space. I feel like the space in the directory name was messing things up but I can't confirm for sure.

yaronskaya commented 4 years ago

Yep, a space in the directory name might cause that.