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Replace mutable default arguments doesn't respect type annotations #318

Open Gobot1234 opened 1 year ago

Gobot1234 commented 1 year ago



The annotation for the parameter that is a Mapping, Sequence or Set aren't expected to support mutation so I think this is a false positive.

Code snippet that reproduces issue

from import Mapping
def foo(
    passwords: Mapping[int, str] = {},  
) -> None:

# We suggest making the following changes to Function foo:
# Replace mutable default arguments with None (default-mutable-arg)

Debug Information

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reka commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting it, this is a great question. :+1:

I'm not sure what the right behavior here is. :thinking:

For example, this is possible:

In [1]: from import Mapping

In [2]: nrs: Mapping[int, str] = {}

In [3]: type(nrs)
Out[3]: dict

In [4]: nrs[3] = "tres"

In [5]: nrs
Out[5]: {3: 'tres'}
Gobot1234 commented 1 year ago

I think if the annotation says it shouldn't be mutated this wouldn't type check without narrowing the type to dict inside the function but I feel like that would never actually be a source of bugs.

Gobot1234 commented 1 year ago

As a bit of prior art, dataclasses checks if an argument is "mutable" by checking for a __hash__ method