sourcery-ai / sourcery

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Sourcery producing not working code when formatting strings #325

Closed PipeKnight closed 1 year ago

PipeKnight commented 1 year ago



Sourcery suggested me to change some lines of code and after changing, the code is not working. Sourcery produces wrong syntax.

Code snippet that reproduces issue

Initial code:

assert (
     == '{"detail":"ValueError(\'You need to pass on the same number of answers'
    " and options as in the question.You pass number of answers ="
    f" {(valid_number_answers + 1)} and numbers of questions_options is"
    f" {valid_number_answers}') in question"
    f" {question_matching_question_id}\"{'}'}"

Sourcery suggestion:

Sourcery - Simplify unnecessary nesting, casting and constant values in f-strings sourcery(refactoring:simplify-fstring-formatting)

Result of refactoring:

assert (
        == f"""{"detail":"ValueError(\'You need to pass on the same number of answers and options as in the question.You pass number of answers = {valid_number_answers + 1} and numbers of questions_options is {valid_number_answers}') in question {question_matching_question_id}\"}"""

Debug Information

Using VSCode, Python 3.11.2 and Sourcery v1.0.4

Sourcery Version: v1.0.4 VSCode extension

Operating system and Version: macOS 13.2 (22D49)

bm424 commented 1 year ago

Hi @PipeKnight, thanks for sharing this. I've been able to reproduce the issue, and it looks like this is to do with our handling of the {} characters, which should be changed to the escaped versions {{}} in the f-string. I've added this to our backlog and it should be fixed in an upcoming release.

In the meantime, if you adjust the refactored version to

assert (
        == f"""{{"detail":"ValueError(\'You need to pass on the same number of answers and options as in the question.You pass number of answers = {valid_number_answers + 1} and numbers of questions_options is {valid_number_answers}') in question {question_matching_question_id}\"}}"""

that should allow the code to work properly again.

Karim-53 commented 1 year ago

There is a similar issue when using f string and multiline string:

x = f'''
text: {set(item for item in d)}

will become

x = f'''
text: {{item for item in d}}

why sourcery doesn't apply one of code checker libraries (mypy?) on the proposed change, and propose it only if there is no new error happening?

bm424 commented 1 year ago

The original refactoring will no longer be suggested as of sourcery version 1.0.9.

@Karim-53 I have migrated your comment to a new issue (see above)