sourcery-ai / sourcery

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Sourcery yellow squiggly underlines appear in wrong location in PyCharm #368

Open DanielTsiang opened 11 months ago

DanielTsiang commented 11 months ago



Sourcery yellow squiggly underlines appear in wrong location in PyCharm in version 1.6.0 of Sourcery. I would have expected the yellow squiggly line to appear under store = [] in the below example, but instead it appeared a lot further up the file for an unrelated code.

I haven't tested with many other versions but it did not work correctly for version 1.6.0. Currently I have version 1.2.0 of Sourcery installed and the yellow squiggly underlines appear where they should.

Code snippet that reproduces issue

store = []
for i in range(10):

Debug Information

IDE Version:

Sourcery Version:

Operating system and Version:

Hellebore commented 11 months ago

Thanks for raising this - have just reproduced it