sourcery-ai / sourcery

Instant AI code reviews
MIT License
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Sourcery seems to hate anything Linux related? #412

Open markrmiller opened 5 months ago

markrmiller commented 5 months ago

I used to love Sourcery, though I hadn't really used it for a year or two. Recently, I attempted to use it again.

It was not working out because I often work through WSL and it claims everything via WSL is not an open project on Github, but is instead a private repo you have to pay for. Obviously a bug, but I used to really like this tool, so I picked up a years subscription. Sadly, while that got rid of the first roadblock, I then discovered Sourcery just doesn't work with WSL, seemingly due to the file paths which it does not understand.

Okay, workaround time, I mount the WSL filesystem as a network drive to X and now Sourcery works with it. Sadly, Jetbrains stuff does not like this for WSL, so it's a workaround that gains Sourcery, but losses good Jetbrains integration with WSL.

Next I realize that Sourcery is not what I remember. It seems the panel for all the issues it finds is gone. Totally. Now all you get is the text interface to the AI. I have like 5 of those, all backed by essentially the same AI that gives a mix of terrible, insane, and whatever code update/refactoring suggestions. Yeah, it's a super useful AI for coding, but as a code tool like standard Sourcery and the like, it's garbage. But std Sourcery appears to have been downgraded. I have to go to the problems tab and wait around for the Sourcery stuff to show up, mixed in with 100 other things, and apparently if I want to scan more than just the current file, I have to use the CLI, and then that doesn't seem to populate back to the GUI...what happened to the Sourcery panel? I can already tell I've made a mistake and am not getting the Sourcery plugin that I remembered, but I figure, okay, anyway, maybe on my Linux box it won't be so bad...

But on the Linux box it is every worse. The Sourcery AI tab just says "Loading..." always. There is nothing relevant in the logs. If you go to the settings and click the login button, it does nothing. No browser opens. Nothing in the logs. Every other plugin opens browsers, works in general, I have dozens. Sourcery seems dead in the water. So I uninstall PyCharm. I remove all JetBrains metadata and cache folders. I do a fully clean install. Same thing. Sourcery is dead in the water. Nothing in the logs. Now I'm fighting on Windows and Linux to get a plugin that I paid to have for a year, and really just so I can get a sixth chat panel to essentially the same AI.

I just want my old Sourcery panel. Even more I just want it to work with WSL or Linux. Something. Anything.

Hellebore commented 5 months ago

Hi Mark - really sorry you're having a bad experience.

We decided to remove the old-style Sourcery panel to align with how we do things in VS Code - also we first created it before there was a Problems pane in PyCharm, so felt that it now duplicates that function. We'll take your criticism about problems being mixed in with other ones on board though.

As for the Linux issue - would it be possible for you to send the sourcery log file over to (or post here)?