sourcery-ai / sourcery

Instant AI code reviews
MIT License
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feat: review should be updated or create a new one. #427

Closed cnlangzi closed 4 weeks ago

cnlangzi commented 2 months ago



for now, sourcery ai create review as comment. It is impossible to click request re-review. and the review will be out of date if any new commit is pushed. could we update it or create a new one with latest code again?

Hellebore commented 2 months ago

@cnlangzi thanks for raising - this is on our roadmap and coming up shortly.

How would you prefer to request a re-review? Options we're considering (also open to others):

cnlangzi commented 2 months ago

@cnlangzi thanks for raising - this is on our roadmap and coming up shortly.

How would you prefer to request a re-review? Options we're considering (also open to others):

  • comment something like @sourcery-ai review
  • adding a label
  • a checkbox in our summary comment

as human review, we will ask him to re-review when code is updated based on his comments.

@sourcery-ai review make senses. if so, maybe it is easier to do it automatically if code is updated. eg dependabot, deepsource-io or codecov.

on dependabot, comment commands are optional. I just write it when I want to trigger it starts task immediately.

re review, to use built-in feature should be more friendly than new comment commands/label...etc.

ruancomelli commented 4 weeks ago

Hello, @cnlangzi!

We recently released an update that allows you to request new reviews from Sourcery. Just comment

@sourcery-ai review

on a PR, and the Sourcery bot will start a new review.

Unfortunately, the built-in re-request feature can only be used to re-request reviews from human reviewers, not bots (like Sourcery).

Thanks for reaching out!

cnlangzi commented 3 weeks ago

@ruancomelli it seems don't work properly. please check

A new null.go file was added. but the robot says it is reviewed.

ruancomelli commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @cnlangzi! This looks like a bug in the re-review mechanics. I opened a new GitHub issue to track this down: