In that section you have to convert it into Timeline section.
Cosmohack1 Timeline
15th December - Registration starts
2nd February Registration ends
16th February - Approval results out
19th February Hackathon Starts
21st February Hackathon ends
28th February - Results declared
Current view :
You have to change the title "OUR HOME" with "TimeLine" and below paragraph text with any suitable text.
Replace Moon text with COSMOHACK
Replace upper line texts with time line element title and below line texts with corresponding dates. as an example below -->
here as an example replace "Surface Area" this text with "Registration Starts" and "510.1 million km²" replace with "01.01.2025".
For reference in html current code snippet of that section looks like that below-->
In that section you have to convert it into Timeline section. Cosmohack1 Timeline 15th December - Registration starts 2nd February Registration ends 16th February - Approval results out 19th February Hackathon Starts 21st February Hackathon ends 28th February - Results declared
Current view :
For reference in html current code snippet of that section looks like that below-->