I have build the source with open CV 3.4.4 with cmake. it was built successfully. On debugging disparity.cpp for disparity estimation. i am getting assertion error in 'getCorresPoint' function and on this line "error += abs(img1.at(p.y+j,p.x+k) - img2.at(p.y+j,i+k));" OpenCV(3.4.4) Error: Assertion failed ((unsigned)(i1 DataType<_Tp>::channels) < (unsigned)(size.p[1] channels())) in cv::Mat::at . Is this due to open CV version mismatch?? Is there any requirement that the codes run only on specific open CV version?? Thanks.
Hi. I have build the source with open CV 3.4.4 with cmake. it was built successfully. On debugging disparity.cpp for disparity estimation. i am getting assertion error in 'getCorresPoint' function and on this line "error += abs(img1.at(p.y+j,p.x+k) - img2.at(p.y+j,i+k));" OpenCV(3.4.4) Error: Assertion failed ((unsigned)(i1 DataType<_Tp>::channels) < (unsigned)(size.p[1] channels())) in cv::Mat::at . Is this due to open CV version mismatch?? Is there any requirement that the codes run only on specific open CV version?? Thanks.