sourmash-bio / branchwater

Searching large collections of sequencing data with genome-scale queries
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No results from the Webserver #23

Open jaeisen opened 7 months ago

jaeisen commented 7 months ago


I have tried the web server at many times over the last few days and I have not gotten any results from any of the tries. I did the search using the E. coli K12 genome in fasta format.


ctb commented 7 months ago

Hi Jonathan, it's working for me at the moment... if/when you try it again can you let us know if it fails, at the time that you run it? thx!

jaeisen commented 7 months ago

Well here is a weird update.

I was doing this on various Mac systems and tried Safari and Chrome just in case there was some sort of web browser aspect but that did not help.

So then I tried it with a different genome, this time a Cloistridium genome. And it worked.

I then went back and tried with the E. coli K12 genome and that did not work. It just sat there at the "Do not navigate from page. The query may take up to 5 minutes!" message on the page.

The E. coli genome fasta file that did not seem to work is attached.



jaeisen commented 7 months ago

OK, I then tried some other genomes.

Bacillus anthracis worked fine and I got results in < 1 minute. Another E. coli genome - an O157H7 did not return results.

Is it possible there is some glitch if there are too many hits?

fdecarpentier commented 3 days ago

I tried Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and every example several times today, and didn't get any response. Is the web-server down? Thank you and happy thanksgiving!