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explain p_match and p_query in sourmash documentation #1289

Closed ctb closed 1 year ago

ctb commented 3 years ago

it's not easy to find!

ctb commented 3 years ago

from @bluegenes in an e-mail response -

  1. Yes the p_match (percent of reference genome matched) does depend on both the relative abundance of that genome in the metagenome (because this can affect the # k-mers from this genome found in the metagenome signature) and the similarity with the reference genome (# of k-mers that will match). However, what you're interested in is ANI, or % DNA identity, right? We can get a decent approximation of ANI by using the "Mash Distance" equations (see for explanation and a python function for conversion). Note that these were developed for jaccard, not containment. The revisions we're working on for Scaled Minhash --> ANI will improve the accuracy for Scaled MinHash containment and put confidence intervals on our estimates.

  2. There are a few use cases where folks want to go from hashes/k-mer sequences back to reads, but it's still a work in progress. If you're planning on doing alignments, Titus has been actively developing a workflow for this ("genome-grist"), which uses sourmash to identify genomes of interest from genbank/other references, download them, and then map the metagenome reads to those reference genomes. You can find it here: and I'm happy to help you try it out!

These sourmash issues are directly related to your #2 and might also be useful:

drtamermansour commented 2 years ago

@ctb I would extend this request to add a clear explanation of "overlap" and if "overlap", "p_query", or "p_match" are calculated/interrupted differently in the context of abund sketches

This question is motived by unexpected values of overlap as seen below:

overlap     p_query p_match
---------   ------- -------
7.2 Mbp        6.1%    0.5%    GCA_006912095.1 Massospora platypedia...
5.8 Mbp        3.1%    0.8%    GCA_004523865.1 Nephromyces sp. ex Mo...
4.2 Mbp        2.2%    0.4%    GCA_900893395.1 Euglena gracilis stra...
4.8 Mbp        1.9%    0.6%    GCA_009809945.1 Gigaspora margarita s...
4.1 Mbp        1.6%    0.4%    GCA_003724095.1 Austropuccinia psidii...
3.2 Mbp        1.0%    0.5%    GCA_009731375.1 Paulinella micropora ...
3.8 Mbp        0.9%    0.4%    GCA_003550325.1 Gigaspora rosea strai...
2.4 Mbp        0.8%    0.2%    GCA_000978595.1 Saccharina japonica c...
2.5 Mbp        0.7%    0.3%    GCA_000711775.1 Oxytricha trifallax s...
2.2 Mbp        0.7%    0.1%    GCA_009767595.1 Symbiodinium kawaguti...
4.1 Mbp        0.6%    0.7%    GCA_002104975.1 Neocallimastix califo...
1.9 Mbp        0.6%    0.1%    GCA_000507305.1 Breviolum minutum Mf ...

The last 2 entries have the same p_query but the overlap seems to be proportional to the p_match which does not make sense to me

ctb commented 2 years ago

The documentation here (appendix A, on sourmash gather) and here (on abundance weighting) would probably be the place to look. See also appendix B, with detailed info on abundance calculations.

Specific suggestions for changes would be very welcome!

The most likely explanation for the above situation is that the results are from query signatures computed with --track-abundance. Overlap does not use abundance weighting, while p_match does. If you could run this same search with --ignore-abundance and report back that would be lovely :)

code references

The (more optimized, hence ugly/unreadable) code for this is in the src/sourmash/, class Gather Databases, method __next__. For example,

        f_match = len(intersect_mh) / len(found_mh)
        f_orig_query = len(intersect_orig_mh) / orig_query_len

The code in tests/ checks that the calculations match against the straight up sourmash signature / sketch code -- e.g.

            # f_orig_query is the containment of the query by the match.        
            # (note, this only works because containment is 100% in combined).  
            assert approx_equal(combined_sig.contained_by(match), f_orig_query)

but it's only tested for non-abund signature at the moment. It would be a great addition if someone were to do something similar with abund signatures.

ctb commented 2 years ago

Oh, and the code for what's actually output by the sourmash CLI for p_match when you run sourmash gather is in src/sourmash/, function gather(...), and it looks like this:

        pct_query = '{:.1f}%'.format(result.f_unique_weighted*100)

so it does in fact use the f_unique_weighted which is abundance-weighted for track-abund signatures.

drtamermansour commented 2 years ago

Regarding the documentation structure, I have some specific suggestions:

  1. I saw the page of "Using sourmash from the command line" as the entry point to the detailed tutorial. While the page "Classifying signatures: ..." is more like a blog post explaining the technique. Therefore, as a I user, I am expecting the detailed tutorial page to explain the command options, how to use, and the format of each command's inputs/outputs. As an alternative, we might have a separate page for inputs/outputs formats that we can cross linked everywhere.
  2. The section of "appendix A, on sourmash gather" has a clear explanation of the csv output but does not link this anyhow to the standard output table of gather.
drtamermansour commented 2 years ago

I think --track-abundance affects p_query not p_match as you are saying above but the example in the appendix is confusing because you are changing the query. So I did some testing for the abundance effect:

I am using 2 samples (sampleA.fq and sampleB.fq). Each one has 25k reads. You can find the samples in /home/tahmed/test_sourmash_abund Then I created a campsite metagenome of (10 * sampleA) + (sampleB)

>  data/metagenome1_10.fq
for x in {1..10};do echo $x;
cat  data/sampleA.fq >> data/metagenome1_10.fq
cat  data/sampleB.fq >> data/metagenome1_10.fq

Then queried the metagenome against the 2 samples with and without --track-abundance

mkdir sig1000
sourmash sketch dna -p k=21,scaled=1000,abund  data/sampleA.fq -o sig1000/sampleA.sig --name sampleA
sourmash sketch dna -p k=21,scaled=1000,abund  data/sampleB.fq -o sig1000/sampleB.sig --name sampleB
sourmash sketch dna -p k=21,scaled=1000,abund data/metagenome1_10.fq -o sig1000/metagenome1_10.sig --name metagenome1_10

sourmash index database sig1000/sampleA.sig sig1000/sampleB.sig

sourmash gather sig1000/metagenome1_10.sig
sourmash gather --ignore-abundance sig1000/metagenome1_10.sig

The output with abund tracking

overlap     p_query p_match avg_abund
---------   ------- ------- ---------
2.3 Mbp       17.6%  100.0%       2.6    sampleB
1.7 Mbp       82.4%   99.1%      17.0    sampleA

The output with --ignore-abundance

overlap     p_query p_match
---------   ------- -------
2.3 Mbp       58.0%  100.0%    sampleB
1.7 Mbp       42.0%   99.1%    sampleA
drtamermansour commented 2 years ago

So far, I can not find a clear definition to p_query. But here is my guessing: if p_match has the same definition of f_match, then it means "how much of the match is in the remaining query , after all of the previous matches have been removed". Similarly p_query means "how much of the remaining query is in the match" which consider the abundance (f_unique_weighted) by default unless --ignore-abundance is specified

ctb commented 2 years ago


ctb commented 1 year ago

I just wrote the following up for #2184. Comments welcome!

Appendix C: sourmash gather output examples

Below we show two real gather analyses done with a mock metagenome, SRR606249 (from Shakya et al., 2014) and three of the known genomes contained within it - two Shewanella baltica strains and one Akkermansia muciniphila genome

sourmash gather with a query containing abundance information

% sourmash gather -k 31 podar-ref/2.fa.sig podar-ref/47.fa.sig podar-ref/63.fa.sig

== This is sourmash version 4.8.5.dev0. ==
== Please cite Brown and Irber (2016), doi:10.21105/joss.00027. ==

selecting specified query k=31
loaded query: SRR606249... (k=31, DNA)
loaded 9 total signatures from 3 locations.
after selecting signatures compatible with search, 3 remain.

Starting prefetch sweep across databases.
Prefetch found 3 signatures with overlap >= 50.0 kbp.
Doing gather to generate minimum metagenome cover.

overlap     p_query p_match avg_abund
---------   ------- ------- ---------
5.2 Mbp        0.8%   99.0%      11.7    NC_011663.1 Shewanella baltica OS223...
2.7 Mbp        0.9%  100.0%      24.5    CP001071.1 Akkermansia muciniphila A...
5.2 Mbp        0.3%   51.0%       8.1    NC_009665.1 Shewanella baltica OS185...
found less than 50.0 kbp in common. => exiting

found 3 matches total;
the recovered matches hit 2.0% of the abundance-weighted query.
the recovered matches hit 2.5% of the query k-mers (unweighted).

sourmash gather with the same query, ignoring abundances

% sourmash gather -k 31 podar-ref/2.fa.sig podar-ref/47.fa.sig podar-ref/63.fa.sig --ignore-abundance

== This is sourmash version 4.8.5.dev0. ==
== Please cite Brown and Irber (2016), doi:10.21105/joss.00027. ==

selecting specified query k=31
loaded query: SRR606249... (k=31, DNA)
loaded 9 total signatures from 3 locations.
after selecting signatures compatible with search, 3 remain.

Starting prefetch sweep across databases.
Prefetch found 3 signatures with overlap >= 50.0 kbp.
Doing gather to generate minimum metagenome cover.

overlap     p_query p_match
---------   ------- -------
5.2 Mbp        1.2%   99.0%    NC_011663.1 Shewanella baltica OS223, complete...
2.7 Mbp        0.6%  100.0%    CP001071.1 Akkermansia muciniphila ATCC BAA-83...
5.2 Mbp        0.6%   51.0%    NC_009665.1 Shewanella baltica OS185, complete...
found less than 50.0 kbp in common. => exiting

found 3 matches total;
the recovered matches hit 2.5% of the query k-mers (unweighted).

Notes and comparisons

There are a few interesting things to point out about the above output:

Last but not least, something interesting is going on here with strains. While it is not highlighted in the text output of gather, there is substantial overlap between the two Shewanella baltica genomes. And, in fact, both of them are entirely (well, 99%) present in the metagenome if measured individually with sourmash search --containment.

Consider a few more details:

What's up?!

What's happening here is that sourmash gather is subtracting the match to the first Shewanella genome from the metagenome before moving on to the next result, and p_match reports only the amount of the match detected in the remaining metagenome after that subtraction. However, overlap is reported as the amount of overlap with the original metagenome, which is essentially the entire genome in all three cases.

The main things to keep in mind for gather are this:

We know it's confusing but it's the best output we've been able to figure out across all of the different use cases for gather. Perhaps in the future we'll find a better way to represent all of these numbers in a more clear, concise, and interpretable way; in the meantime, we welcome your questions and comments!