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documentation and support for other implementations of MinHash and FracMinHash #2284

Open ctb opened 1 year ago

ctb commented 1 year ago

revisiting a (5 yro :) conversation about interoperability after some discussions on slack with @kescobo on µbioinfo slack. See also a motivating question about implementations in BioJulia and this issue in rkmh

Here in sourmash, I think we could do more to support alternative implementations of MinHash and FracMinHash in other projects. I'll update this issue more as I think through them, but off the top of my head -

The goal is to make it easy for others to implement simple test suites to check on interoperability of the actual sketching and sketch comparison code.

ctb commented 1 year ago

on slack, luiz pointed out that we already have good Rust interoperability b/c, well, if you scratch sourmash's Python layer just a little bit, you find Rust underneath. And:

There is a C header for doing the interaction between Rust and Python, here:

ctb commented 1 year ago

also: we should provide some simple example code for making use of some of our pre-computed sketches from wort, and converting them into mash-usable sketches.