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ANI calculation #3170

Open Amanda-Biocortex opened 1 month ago

Amanda-Biocortex commented 1 month ago


Could you help me to understand how QueryContainmentAni and MatchContainmentAni are calculated?

Given the use of exact kmer matches, I would assume that the ANI between a query kmer and a reference kmer would be 100%? Or is the ANI calculated between the contiguous set of kmers and the reference?

I believe 95% ANI threshold is standard- would this be the same for Sourmash ANI?

Many thanks, Amanda

ctb commented 1 month ago

hi @Amanda-Biocortex, the calculation is published here:

Deriving confidence intervals for mutation rates across a wide range of evolutionary distances using FracMinHash

(preprint here:

My recollection is that the calculation is based on the decay in the fraction of k-mers that match as sequences diverge.

ctb commented 1 month ago

I believe 95% ANI threshold is standard- would this be the same for Sourmash ANI?

95% is usually used for species cutoffs between two genomes. sourmash's containment ANI is (should be) directly relatable to alignment-based ANI. So, yes? :)

If you're comparing a genome to a metagenome containing multiple strains, then I think things get more complicated and interesting - it would be like you are aligning the reads to both genomes, and then calculating the best ANI match at each location, I think.