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can't make sourmash work for decontaminating contigs any more #749

Closed SchwarzEM closed 4 years ago

SchwarzEM commented 4 years ago

I used to be able to make sourmash decontaminate contigs in long-read assemblies. Here are all of the steps I would run that used to function properly. But now, as of Oct. 20, 2019, I am getting a weird bug, that seems to be due to bioconda sourmash not being able to use the correct version of khmer. It needs to have a version of khmer with the attribute 'load_nodegraph', but bioconda isn't letting that happen any more.

Here's the walkthrough:

mkdir $SCRATCH/sourmash ;

cd $SCRATCH/sourmash ;

curl -O -L ; tar xvfz microbe-genbank-sbt-k31-2017.05.09.tar.gz ;

curl -O -L ; chmod +x ;

[Do the very same bioconda installation that has worked previously:] conda create -n sourmash_2.0.0a6 sourmash=2.0.0a6 ; conda activate sourmash_2.0.0a6 ;

which sourmash ;


which python ;


python --version ;

Python 3.6.7 # originally this was Python 3.6.5; why any change at all?

cd $SCRATCH/rhabditella/assemblies/flye/100x_decont ;

[Try this line that used to always work:]

$SCRATCH/sourmash/ \ --output-match raxei_flye_100x_2019.10.20.01.match.orig.fa \ --output-nomatch raxei_flye_100x_2019.10.20.01.no_match.orig.fa \ --csv \ ../100x/Raxei_flye_100x_2019.10.19/assembly.fasta \ $SCRATCH/sourmash/genbank-k31.sbt.json ;

[It starts to work, but then fails, for what appears to be the inability of bioconda-sourmash to get the exactly correct version of khmer that will let everything Just Keep Working.]

found SBT database /pylon5/mc5phvp/schwarze/sourmash/genbank-k31.sbt.json using ksize=31, scaled=2000 loading sequences from ../100x/Raxei_flye_100x_2019.10.19/assembly.fasta saving match sequences to raxei_flye_100x_2019.10.20.01.match.orig.fa saving nomatch sequences to raxei_flye_100x_2019.10.20.01.no_match.orig.fa outputting CSV summary to Traceback (most recent call last): File "/pylon5/mc5phvp/schwarze/sourmash/", line 87, in main() File "/pylon5/mc5phvp/schwarze/sourmash/", line 61, in main for leaf in tree.find(search_fn, query, args.threshold): File "/pylon5/mc5phvp/schwarze/anaconda2/envs/sourmash_2.0.0a6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sourmash/", line 191, in find if search_fn(node_g, *args): File "/pylon5/mc5phvp/schwarze/anaconda2/envs/sourmash_2.0.0a6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sourmash/", line 191, in search matches = sum(1 for value in mins if File "/pylon5/mc5phvp/schwarze/anaconda2/envs/sourmash_2.0.0a6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sourmash/", line 191, in matches = sum(1 for value in mins if File "/pylon5/mc5phvp/schwarze/anaconda2/envs/sourmash_2.0.0a6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sourmash/", line 684, in data self._data = khmer.load_nodegraph( AttributeError: module 'khmer' has no attribute 'load_nodegraph'

SchwarzEM commented 4 years ago

I've also tried running with sourmash versions 2.1.0 or 2.2.0 (both via bioconda), rather than version 2.0.0a6. For either version 2.1.0 or version 2.2.0, I get the following error (which is at least somewhat different from the error with 2.0.0a6):

""" Traceback (most recent call last): File "/pylon5/mc5phvp/schwarze/sourmash/", line 14, in from sourmash.sbtmh import SearchMinHashesFindBestIgnoreMaxHash ImportError: cannot import name 'SearchMinHashesFindBestIgnoreMaxHash' from 'sourmash.sbtmh' \ (/pylon5/mc5phvp/schwarze/anaconda2/envs/sourmash_2.2.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sourmash/ """

which obviously doesn't work either.

A key issue here seems to be that the bioconda version of sourmash 2.0.0a6 (which used to work with is not strictly keeping register with the exact version of khmer that will allow to run.

If there was some way to enforce having sourmash version 2.0.0a6 in bioconda be tightly linked with whatever earlier version of khmer it used to have!

SchwarzEM commented 4 years ago

A final point that may help in figuring out how to fix all this: I'm attaching the copy of that I had previously successfully used for decontaminating assembly contigs.

Attaching, not just posting here, so that github won't munge the text of

Attaching as .py.txt rather than .py, so that github will let me post the thing at all.

Finally -- note that this copy is slightly different from the version that I had initially downloaded from

SchwarzEM commented 4 years ago

OK, I have fixed the bug. My solution:

  1. Upgrade to sourmash 2.2.0 after all.

  2. Revise my so that the function SearchMinHashesFindBestIgnoreMaxHash is replaced by GatherMinHashesFindBestIgnoreMaxHash, as follows:

""" nano ; diff ;

< from sourmash.sbtmh import SearchMinHashesFindBestIgnoreMaxHash
> from sourmash.sbtmh import GatherMinHashesFindBestIgnoreMaxHash
<         search_fn = SearchMinHashesFindBestIgnoreMaxHash().search
>         search_fn = GatherMinHashesFindBestIgnoreMaxHash().search


I figured out the latter solution by seeing an 8-month-old comment in Titus' blog:

With this github post, hopefully, the solution will become more reliably accessible...

SchwarzEM commented 4 years ago

And, I'm attaching my corrected version of here (as before, with *.txt so that github will let me post it as an un-munged file).

SchwarzEM commented 4 years ago

Well, [redacted verb] me -- I declared victory before looking at the actual results of the seemingly succesful sourmash run. It's failing, because for some weird reason sourmash is no longer making a successful binary division between contaminant contigs and non-contaminant contigs. It's managing somehow to lose contigs -- lots of contigs. Never did that before.

Here's an example of what's going very wrong.

Input assembly:

Total nt: 166,592,905 Scaffolds: 107 Contigs: 113

Output with a match to GenBank (contaminants):

Total nt: 23,610,398 Scaffolds: 17 Contigs: 17

Output without a match to GenBank (non-contaminants):

Total nt: 98,892,689 Scaffolds: 79 Contigs: 79

The latter two don't come close to adding up to 166 Mb.

Oh, how I wish I could still make work with sourmash 2.0.0a6, using bioconda to install sourmash version 2.0.0a6!

SchwarzEM commented 4 years ago

Looking at one run that did work (wtdbg2) versus one that clearly didn't (Flye): the difference may be that Flye emits both contigs and scaffolds, whereas wtdbg2 (like Canu) assembles pure contigs only.

Weird to have a long-read assembler scaffold anything, but it would explain why Flye's sourmash run went so very wrong; if can only parse contigs, then scaffolds will just disappear rather than being assigned to matching (contaminant) or non-matching (non-contaminant) sets.

ctb commented 4 years ago

hi @SchwarzEM can you show me the command lines and also drop me a few MB of fasta files to test it on, pls? Thanks!

ctb commented 4 years ago

ok, I see the command lines above, sorry! Some test files would be helpful tho.

SchwarzEM commented 4 years ago

Sorry about the delay -- there were Things...

I have two test files Raxei_flye_50x_2019.10.19_scaffold_206.fa will not work with sourmash; Raxei_flye_50x_2019.10.19_scaffold_206.contigs.fa will.

github won't let me post the files, so I will e-mail them to you directly.

I think is a pretty obvious reason why one of them is failing -- Raxei_flye_50x_2019.10.19_scaffold_206.fa contains 100 nucleotides of scaffolding ("N" residues) which link the two contigs in Raxei_flye_50x_2019.10.19_scaffold_206.contigs.fa.

Here are their detailed statistics:

Sequence: Raxei_flye_50x_2019.10.19_scaffold_206.fa

Total nt: 1,795,346 Scaffolds: 1 Contigs: 2

ACGT nt: 1,795,246 N-res. nt: 100 % non-N: 99.99 % GC: 35.36 % softmasked [1]: 0.00 ([1]: versus entire assembly size) % softmasked [2]: 0.00 ([2]: versus non-N, ACGT only, assembly size)

Scaffold N50 nt: 1,795,346.0 Scaffold N90 nt: 1,795,346.0 Scaf. max. nt: 1,795,346 Scaf. min. nt: 1,795,346

Contig N50 nt: 1,722,405.0 Contig N90 nt: 1,722,405.0 Contig max. nt: 1,722,405 Contig min. nt: 72,841

Sequence: Raxei_flye_50x_2019.10.19_scaffold_206.contigs.fa

Total nt: 1,795,246 Scaffolds: 2 Contigs: 2

ACGT nt: 1,795,246 N-res. nt: 0 % non-N: 100.00 % GC: 35.36 % softmasked [1]: 0.00 ([1]: versus entire assembly size) % softmasked [2]: 0.00 ([2]: versus non-N, ACGT only, assembly size)

Scaffold N50 nt: 1,722,405.0 Scaffold N90 nt: 1,722,405.0 Scaf. max. nt: 1,722,405 Scaf. min. nt: 72,841

Contig N50 nt: 1,722,405.0 Contig N90 nt: 1,722,405.0 Contig max. nt: 1,722,405 Contig min. nt: 72,841

SchwarzEM commented 4 years ago

The take-home on this seems to be: although most long-read assemblers will generate nothing but pure contigs, Flye (at least) will not, and this makes the products of Flye not directly usable for a sourmash decontamination. (As an immediate work-around for problem, I split the scaffolds from Flye into contigs and ran sourmash on the contigs.)

ctb commented 4 years ago

figured it out, it's the Ns, patch happening :)

best, --titus

On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 02:42:55PM -0700, Erich Schwarz wrote:

The take-home on this seems to be: although most long-read assemblers will generate nothing but pure contigs, Flye (at least) will not, and this makes the products of Flye not directly usable for a sourmash decontamination. (As an immediate work-around for problem, I split the scaffolds from Flye into contigs and ran sourmash on the contigs.)

-- You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: -- C. Titus Brown,

ctb commented 4 years ago

tackled in #940