sous-chefs / apt

Development repository for the apt cookbook
Apache License 2.0
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Issue with v3.0.0 execute[apt-get update] #201

Closed puckel closed 8 years ago

puckel commented 8 years ago


Since v3.0.0 release, I can't run chefspec tests, I've the following error :

Failure/Error: runner.converge(described_recipe) Chef::Exceptions::ResourceNotFound: resource apt_repository[dotdeb] is configured to notify resource execute[apt-get update] with action run, but execute[apt-get update] cannot be found in the resource collection. apt_repository[dotdeb] is defined in /var/folders/9l/z3zw1q611v11bh7xxx2n9vvh0000gn/T/d20160323-94631-148blpg/cookbooks/front/recipes/apt.rb:44:in `from_file'

My recipe :

include_recipe 'apt::default'
apt_repository 'dotdeb' do
  uri ''
  distribution jessie
  components all
  action :add
  notifies :run, 'execute[apt-get update]', :immediately

No problem with v2.9.2.

Any ideas ?


puckel commented 8 years ago

Hi. Do you need more information ? Thanks

thommay commented 8 years ago

fixed in master, should be released soon. Thanks for your report!

puckel commented 8 years ago


puckel commented 8 years ago


Do you plan a new release soon ?


tas50 commented 8 years ago

4.0 is out today