sous-chefs / ark

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Unzipping WAR File #78

Open kameshsampath opened 10 years ago

kameshsampath commented 10 years ago

When i try to unzip the war files using the ark, I see the the permissions are not set recursively the the folders inside the WAR.

The code snippet that I used to unzip is as follows,

ark "ROOT" do
  name "ROOT"
  url "http://localhost/abcd.war"
  path "/opt/local/tomcat-7.0.42/webapps"
  owner "mickey"
  group "mouse"
  strip_components 0
  action :put

When the extract happens the ROOT folder is set with proper permissions with right owner and group, but the sub directories under that are not set with right permissions, this is causing the application kind of not started correctly.

burtlo commented 10 years ago

Could you get me a war file that I could use to reproduce the issue?

kameshsampath commented 10 years ago

you can use the WAR from here