Thank for taking the time to fill this feature request fully. Without it we may not be able to , and the issue may be closed without resolution.
:frowning_person: Problem Statement
This cookbook does not provide IMDSv2 support.
:grey_question: Possible Solution
The aws-sdk-core dependency introduced IMDSv2 support starting 3.111.0. Updating that dependency might resolve the issue. However I don't know if there are any other dependency updates or code changes required.
:arrow_heading_up: Describe alternatives you've considered
The alternative is to use IMDSv1 which should be avoided due to security issues.
:heavy_plus_sign: Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here. e.g. related issues or existing pull requests.
:speaking_head: Foreword
Thank for taking the time to fill this feature request fully. Without it we may not be able to , and the issue may be closed without resolution.
:frowning_person: Problem Statement
This cookbook does not provide IMDSv2 support.
:grey_question: Possible Solution
The aws-sdk-core dependency introduced IMDSv2 support starting 3.111.0. Updating that dependency might resolve the issue. However I don't know if there are any other dependency updates or code changes required.
:arrow_heading_up: Describe alternatives you've considered
The alternative is to use IMDSv1 which should be avoided due to security issues.
:heavy_plus_sign: Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here. e.g. related issues or existing pull requests.