maven 'spring-context' do
group_id 'org.springframework'
version '4.0.4.RELEASE'
dest '/root'
repositories ['']
No such file or directory - mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.4:get -DgroupId=org.springframework -DartifactId=spring-context -Dversion=4.0.4.RELEASE -Dpackaging=jar -Ddest=/tmp/chef_maven_lwrp20141212-27453-ocmoxb/spring-context-4.0.4.RELEASE.jar -DremoteRepositories= -Dtransitive=false
Which means that maven simply has not been installed on the node.
So it needs to check that it exists and print corresponding message.
As it tunrs out I did not include maven recipe, e.g. on the top there should be include_recipe "maven::default" none the less adding a message mvn command is not found, please check that maven is installed or check that you include maven::default recipe
When I try to execute a recipe like that:
After executing from workstation:
I got an error:
Which means that
simply has not been installed on the node.So it needs to check that it exists and print corresponding message.
UPDATED As it tunrs out I did not include maven recipe, e.g. on the top there should be
include_recipe "maven::default"
none the less adding a messagemvn command is not found, please check that maven is installed or check that you include maven::default recipe