sous-chefs / nginx

Development repository for the nginx cookbook
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The changes in #593 make nginx run as root by default without privilege separation on platform family debian #604

Closed hrak closed 2 years ago

hrak commented 2 years ago

:ghost: Brief Description

593 was supposed to address the issues i reported in #591 but only made things worse. Nginx is now running as root by default on platform_family?('debian') without privilege separation (not dropping privileges after binding port). This is a serious security issue.

:pancakes: Cookbook version

12.0.6 and up

:woman_cook: Chef-Infra Version


:tophat: Platform details

Ubuntu 20.04

Steps To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. converge cookbook 12.0.6 or newer
  2. observe all processes running as root
root        2918  0.0  0.1  56256  5608 ?        Ss   Jun15   0:00 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -g daemon on; master_process on;
root     2612257  0.0  0.1  56956  5524 ?        S    10:43   0:00 nginx: worker process
root     2612258  0.0  0.1  56956  5520 ?        S    10:43   0:00 nginx: worker process

:police_car: Expected behavior

expected situation:

I expect the process user to be www-data on platform family debian

root         642  0.0  0.0  56020   276 ?        Ss   May19   0:00 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -g daemon on; master_process on;
www-data     644  0.0  0.0  56812  3720 ?        S    May19   6:21 nginx: worker process
www-data     645  0.0  0.0  56680  3008 ?        S    May19   0:00 nginx: worker process

:heavy_plus_sign: Additional context

My initial security issue report: #591 The change that was applied #593

Even though #593 fixed the initial issue of the webserver being able to alter/remove configuration files, it only did it for platform family Debian (apart from creating a large security issue). On all other platforms than Debian the webserver will run as user:groupnginx:nginx while all configuration objects are owned by nginx:nginx mode 640. So the main issue at hand here is that the configuration files should have a different owner than the process user.

So i propose:

debian family:

All config files owned by root:root mode 640 with process user www-data:www-data

the others:

All config files owned by root:root mode 640 with process user nginx:nginx