sovanna / angular-material-sidenav

Simple component that reproduce the Angular Material Style SideNav Menu from their own website
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Theming is not working at all? md-accent, md-hue? #29

Closed d668 closed 8 years ago

d668 commented 8 years ago

I tried some md-accent, md-hue and seems like "primary" is just hardcoded?

sovanna commented 8 years ago

Yes it is.

If you look at about the Colors Intentions primary - used to represent primary interface elements for a user

So, for this main menu on interface, it intends to be a primary interface, that's why md-accent can not work.

About the hue, I've respected the original menu from Angular, so I've used primary.800 and so on. If needed, you change change the theming with $mdThemingProvider. See